Abstract In light of the individualization, dispersal, and pervasive monitoring that characterize work in the ‘gig economy, the development of solidarity among gig workers could be expected to be unlikely. However, numerous recent episodes of gig workers’ mobilization require reconsideration of these assumptions. This article contributes to the debate about potentials and obstacles for solidarity… Continue reading In Light Of The Individualization Dispersal And Pervasive Monitoring: Employment At Work Research Paper, UCD, Ireland
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A SWOT analysis is a technique used to determine and define the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a place, company, and or organization. In rural or small-town development, a SWOT analysis can be a very good starting point for a local community group or town council when considering a local development strategy for their… Continue reading A SWOT Analysis Is A Technique Used To Determine And Define: Geography Assignment, UCD, Ireland
Food Regulatory Affairs is an interdisciplinary subject that integrates science, law, and policy as they apply to the regulation of the food chain from farm to fork. In this module, you will study the role of European Union (EU) institutions in the development of food regulation, the evolution of the EU approach to food regulation… Continue reading HNUT40100: Food Regulatory Affairs Is An Interdisciplinary Subject That Integrates Science: Food Regulatory Affairs Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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You are a financial accountant in a medium-sized media buying agency in Dublin. Your managing director has been reading the IASB’s Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (the Framework) and, as part of the qualitative characteristics of financial statements under the heading of ‘relevance’, she notes that the predictive value of information… Continue reading You Are A Financial Accountant In A Medium-Sized Media Buying Agency: Financial Reporting For Business Assignment, UCD, Ireland
Assignment I have inherited €10,000 from my Great Aunt Mixy, I am interested in investing this windfall in the company (A) selected (out of the hat) by you. Please prepare a briefing paper indicating whether you consider your chosen company a suitable candidate for my investment. Due to my Great Aunt’s wishes, I can only… Continue reading I Have Inherited €10,000 From My Great Aunt Mixy: Strategic Business Finance Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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Your task: Pick a company that you wish to research. This company will form the basis of the part of your assignment. This can be a company that interests you, one you have worked for, or one you are working in. (As we use the Montgomery book, companies cited in that text cannot be used… Continue reading One Of The Most Challenging Decisions A Company Can Confront Is Whether To Diversify: Strategic Management Assignment, UCD, Ireland
Initial Steps When the bombing started on 26 March, UNICEF’s Yemen Country Representative, Julien Harneis, happened to be in Cairo, where he had stopped on his way to Amman. The next day, on arrival in Jordan, he went to the Middle East North Africa Regional Office (MONARO) and prepared for the likely evacuation of UNICEF… Continue reading When The Bombing Started On 26 March, UNICEF’s Yemen Country Representative: Humanitarian Agility in Action Case Study, UCD, Ireland
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You are required to write a research paper that is not less than 1200 words and not more than 1400 words (excluding title and references). The purpose of this paper is to engage you in an in-depth research project – employing critical thinking – in the field of emerging disruptive innovations (technologies and products), their… Continue reading The Purpose Of This Paper Is To Engage You In An In-Depth Research Project: Research Methods Research Paper, UCD, Ireland
Preamble: Throughout this module, the focus will be on different dimensions of leadership for learning and the challenges and opportunities of the various ways of considering leadership, and the need to target school leadership and management activities to enhance teaching and learning within the school. The assignment is essentially an examination of those considerations and… Continue reading The Focus Will Be On Different Dimensions Of Leadership: Leadership For Quality Learning Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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A. Demonstrate independent research when answering parts I and ii below. Write an excerpt for the Financial Times outlining the findings of your research. Comment on the relative importance of each of the expenditure components of GDP in the Euro area and how much they have contributed to recent quarterly growth. Comment on the economic… Continue reading Comment On The Relative Importance Of Each Of The Expenditure: Economics Report, UCD, Ireland