There is no universally accepted definition of ethnicity. Similarly, there is no universal definition for national minorities or racial groups. However, these terms are used across national legislative codes and international agreements, often in contexts in which, if a group is recognized as having ethnic status, significant rights accrue to that group, with associated responsibilities… Continue reading SSJ20160: There is no universally accepted definition of ethnicity. Similarly, there is no universal definition for national minorities or racial groups: Race and Racism Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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In today’s business environment, it is supply chains that compete, not individual businesses. Logistics management concerns itself with the movement and storage of goods while supply chain management concentrates on the management of relationships. Both offer opportunities to add, or indeed destroy customer value. For a company of your choice, identify the internal supply chain… Continue reading In today’s business environment, it is supply chains that compete, not individual businesses. Logistics management concerns itself with the movement: Supply Chain Management and Sustainability Assignment, UCD, Ireland
As a profession, the work of social workers can be heavily informed by the law, particularly in child welfare and protection. Their job requires them to intrude into the strongly protected sphere of family life with the aim of protecting the rights of vulnerable children. Every decision they make inherently involves an assessment of the… Continue reading As a profession, the work of social workers can be heavily informed by the law, particularly in child welfare and protection: Law Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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There were numerous advancements in post-primary education in Ireland beginning in 1878, and both the church and the state had a significant impact on these developments. Both institutions have had many influences on issues relating to Irish education. The Intermediate Education Act was passed in 1878. This marked the start of the state’s participation in… Continue reading There were numerous advancements in post-primary education in Ireland beginning in 1878, and both the church and the state had a significant impact: History of Education Case Study, UCD, Ireland
The data provided has been obtained from a questionnaire survey of construction professionals. Select one of the research domains listed below and submit a research paper exploring factors that influence digital transformation in the construction industry, drawing evidence from the data provided. It is expected that you will use an inductive thematic analysis approach. Are… Continue reading The data provided has been obtained from a questionnaire survey of construction professionals. Select one of the research domains: Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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(a) Learning Log: please detail your learning log from the program with specific reference to what you have learned at each stage. This should include a detailed reflection of what you consider your main areas for development to be. This should include your areas for improvement but can also include strengths you intend to solidify… Continue reading Learning Log: please detail your learning log from the program with specific reference to what you have learned at each stage: Coaching Assignment, UCD, Ireland
Has the student identified the choice of the research paradigm and given a theoretical justification for it? Has the student identified the methodology and approach chosen and justified these selections over other available ones? To what extent did the student critique differing methods? Are the research methods and choice of instrument(s) clearly stated? Is clear… Continue reading Has the student identified the choice of the research paradigm and given a theoretical justification for it: Methodology Dissertation, UCD, Ireland
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Understandings of medicalization within sociology have changed since they first emerged in the later part of the 20th century. Critically discuss classic and recent sociological perspectives on medicalization, including challenges to the concept. Critically discuss the way in which childhood has become increasingly medicalized since the later part of the 20th century. Critically discuss evidence… Continue reading Understandings of medicalization within sociology have changed since they first emerged in the later part of the 20th century: Sociology Assignment, UCD, Ireland
Debra Satz defends the idea that some markets are noxious. Suppose someone were to propose buying and selling COVID vaccines on the open market. Based on your understanding of Satz, would she view this as a noxious market? Why or why not? Would Satz be right about this view? What is the best objection you… Continue reading Debra Satz defends the idea that some markets are noxious. Suppose someone were to propose buying and selling: Professional Ethics Essay, UCD, Ireland
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A prominent view in medical ethics today is that withdrawal from life support is an act of killing. As Julian Savulescu has recently explained: In neonatal intensive care, it is not uncommon for a doctor to withdraw artificial ventilation with the consequence that a baby dies. If anyone else performed that act, including the parents… Continue reading A prominent view in medical ethics today is that withdrawal from life support is an act of killing. As Julian Savulescu has recently explained: Ethics Essay, UCD, Ireland