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Laboratory Techniques 5M3807 Assignment Example Ireland

Certificate Details

Title: Laboratory Techniques (Certificate Specification NFQ Level 5)

Teideal as Gaeilge:  Teicnící Saotharlainne

Award Type: Major

Code: 5M3807

Level: 5

Credit Value:  120

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This course is intended to develop the student’s knowledge, understanding, and abilities in laboratory techniques. This program will enable the student to learn the skills necessary for working in a specific laboratory. The student will also learn the theory and health and safety aspects relating to this area.

The program is designed for students who wish to work in a laboratory setting, or who require specific laboratory skills to complement their existing education and/or training.


The candidate for this award should have reached the standards of knowledge, skill, and competence associated with previous levels in their National Framework Qualifications. This may be achieved through formal qualifications or relevant life experiences which will provide them access to higher-level courses leading up to achieving that specific level.


Achievement of this award will enable the learner to transfer to other appropriate programs leading to awards at the same level as the National Framework of Qualifications.


Achievement of this award will enable the learner to progress to other appropriate programs leading to awards at the next or higher levels of the National Framework of Qualifications.

Progression Awards

Learners who complete this award may progress to a range of different awards.


  • Pass
  • Merit
  • Distinction

The grade achieved will be determined by the grades achieved on the components

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Certificate Requirement

The total credit value required for this certificate is 120. This will be achieved by completing:

Award Code Title & Description Level Credit Value
All of the following component(s)        
5N2751 Laboratory Skills: The student will learn the importance of the correct use and care of laboratory equipment and instruments, as well as good laboratory practice. 5 15
A minimum credit value of 45 from the following components
5N2746 Biology: Designed to develop an understanding of biology and an ability to perform practical tasks in biology. 5 15
5N2747 Chemistry: The student will develop an understanding of the basic principles involved in chemistry and an ability to perform practical tasks. 5 15
5N1460 Physics: This program enables the student to develop an understanding of the basic principles involved in physics and an ability to perform practical tasks. 5 15
5N1833 Mathematics: The student will develop the mathematical skills required to carry out experimental measurements. 5 15
A minimum credit value of 15 from the following components
5N0690 Communications: This program enhances the candidate’s ability to communicate in the written and spoken word. 5 15
5N1367 Team working: In this program, the candidate develops an understanding of team working skills as well as learns to appreciate the importance of engaging effectively with others. 5 15
5N1390 Personal Effectiveness: This program is designed to enhance the candidate’s ability to develop a personally satisfying and productive lifestyle. 5 15
5N1615 Problem Solving: This program is designed to enhance the candidate’s ability to develop a personally satisfying and productive lifestyle. 5 15
A minimum credit value of 15 from the following components
5N1356 Work Experience: The student will develop an understanding of the workplace and how to carry out a job search, as well as develop interpersonal skills. 5 15
5N1433 Work Practice: A candidate who completes this award will be able to identify work opportunities, investigate job vacancies, and use occupational research. They will develop their employability skills through written applications and interview techniques. 5 15
A minimum credit value of 15 from the following components
5N0749 Anatomy and Physiology: This program will enable learners to develop an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathological processes associated with the human body. 5 15
5N0750 Animal Anatomy and Physiology: This program enables learners to develop skills in the analysis of animal structure function, morphology, and evolution. 5 15
5N1637 Materials Science: This program enables learners to develop a practical experience in materials science including metals and plasmas. 5 15
5N2006 Nutrition: This program enables learners to develop an understanding of nutrition and food science. 5 15
5N0737 Microbiology: Learners will develop the knowledge and skills required to work in a microbiological laboratory. They learn techniques for handling bacteria and viruses and testing their susceptibility to antibiotics and disinfectants and also how to carry out microbial growth experiments. 5 15
5N2748 Food Chemistry: This program enables learners to develop basic skills in food chemistry, composition, and analysis of both natural and manufactured foods. 5 15
5N1794 Safety and Health at Work: This program develops learners’ safety and health awareness through practical experience of safety procedures within a simulated workplace environment. Learners also develop an understanding of safety legislation and how it relates to the workplace. 5 15
5N2530 Soil Science and Growing Media: The program enables learners to develop an understanding of the factors that affect plant growth and how plants obtain their nutrients through the study of soil science. 5 15

The remaining credit value of 15 can be obtained by using relevant component(s) from level5. A maximum of 15 credits may be used from either level 4 or level 6.

Supporting Documentation: None

Specific Validation Requirements: The provider must have all of the following in place to offer this award – Access to a science laboratory meeting current Health and Safety standards.

Europass Certificate Supplement: The Europass Certificate Supplement for this award can be accessed at:

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FET Award Standards Framework

QQI award standards are determined within the context of the QQI FET Award Standards Framework which provides a basis for standard-setting within specific awarding schemes while enabling them to operate independently.

Learning outcomes for QQI awards are contained within the associated specifications:

Major Award Certificate Specification Certificate (Levels 1 to 5) Advanced Certificate (Level 6)
Supplemental Award Supplemental Specification Supplemental Certificate (Level 3 to 6)
Special Purpose Specific Purpose Specification Specific Purpose Certificate (Levels 3 to 6)
Minor Award Component Specification Component Certificate (Levels 1 to 6)

FET Credit Values

FET credit is quantified in multiples of 5 FET credits (up to 50 hours of learner effort). Learner effort is based on the time taken by typical learners at the level of the award to achieve the learning outcomes for the award. It includes all learning time involved including guided learning hours, self-directed learning, and assessment. FET Credit Values:

NFQ Level Major Awards Credit Values Default Credit Values Minor Awards Other Permitted Minor Award Credit Values Special Purpose and Supplemental Award Credit Value Ranges
1 20 5 10
2 30 5 10
3 50 10 5, 20 >5 and<60
4 90 10 5, 15, 20 >5 and<90
5 120 15 5, 10, 30 >5 and <120
6 120 15 5, 10, 30 >5 and <120

Program outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, the graduate will be able to demonstrate:


Breadth – Demonstrate understanding of the basic principles of a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Kind – Know the different laboratory techniques used in various branches of science, and recognize their application.

Know-How & Skill

Range – Apply a range of techniques in laboratory experiments, relating them to the principles gained in lectures.

Selectivity – Identify the appropriate techniques to accomplish a specific laboratory task, and use them accurately under supervision.


Context – Take responsibility for appropriate and safe use of laboratory equipment, including cleaning, storing, and organizing equipment.

Role – Use appropriate equipment to carry out specific laboratory experiments, accurately and analyze the results.

learning to Learn – Demonstrate an understanding of how your learning styles can be used in your education, and how to take advantage of resources provided in the laboratory.

Insight – Demonstrate awareness of social, ethical, and legal issues relating to laboratory work.

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