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Your Pharmacy Or Department Manager Has Decided To Review Your Suppliers: Pharmacy Assignment, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Pharmacy

Assignment 1

Your Pharmacy or Department Manager has decided to review your suppliers and ask them to re-tender for your top 20 lines dispensed – the top 10 lines dispensed by volume and top 10 lines dispensed by cost.  You have been given the task of deciding whether to remain with the current supplier for the product or change suppliers.

1.Complete an excel sheet showing your workings for the 20 lines using the templates provided.  You must use at least 3 comparators in your data on generics data. For the branded products please look at the top 10 lines that can be sourced from alternative suppliers

2. Produce a concise Purchasing Analysis Report using the template provided as a guide.

3. Describe your findings as you would to your manager/department head.

4. Discuss your decision of where to source products including a discussion about how & where factors other than cost have had an impact on your decision-making process.

5. Describe what you believe the next steps for procurement management in your organization are and why or briefly describe how pharmacy procurement contributes to the overall budget of your organization.

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Assignment 2

Pharmacy Procurement & Purchasing:

Your pharmacy currently deals with several OTC and FOC suppliers egReckitts, Johnson & Johnson, GSK, Blackhall, Perrigo, Valeo, Sundrelle, Calco, Parle& Hickey, Cosmetique Active, etc.  These suppliers have been selected by your team based on their company’s ability to supply products and based on the company’s merits and previous relationship with your pharmacy.

1. What decision process was involved in selecting those suppliers originally?

2. What general terms of business are offered by suppliers of your FOC/OTC suppliers.  When/How often are orders placed with these suppliers and why?  Please select at least 6 suppliers with whom you deal with and use the template for your answer.

3. Discuss what you have learned above in terms of the theory you have learned in Workshop 2 – include areas such as, the Pareto Principal, 5 rights of Procurement, Supplier Selection and Supply Chain Manageme

4. Discuss purchasing the various types of items that are stocked in the Pharmacy Department in terms of HOW the following principals will (or should) affect the procurement process:

a) The Pareto Principal

b) The 5 Rights of Procurement

c) Supply Chain Management within the Department

d) Supplier Selection & Evaluation

Assignment 3

Pharmacy Procurement & Purchasing

Appraise the impact of Just-In-Time on supply management in your organization in terms of its impact on workflow and customer service as well as its financial merits.

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