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You are Required to Complete a Design Project Solution of Your Choice: Design of Engineering Systems Assignment, GMIT,

University Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT)
Subject Design of Engineering Systems

Design of Engineering Systems 2020 Assignment

You are required to complete a design project solution of your choice

It may apply to:

1. a design for a new product of your own choice
2. OR to design for a new product for an existing company,
3. OR to an enhancement or iteration of an existing product.

Note: This enhancement must incorporate new design features and functionality. The solution should incorporate an ‘Engineering System’ in the form of mechanical, electrical, electro-mechanical, software-controlled or interfaced solutions. If you propose a potentially patentable solution that will be respected and advised.

Complete the following steps 1-4:

1) Define the Design Objective and

2) Commence the Conceptual Development of potential design solutions for evaluation.

Given the importance of a clearly articulated Design Objective, some design processes require the following documents to be completed. Those documents are required for certain Regulatory approvals. They are:

1. Market Requirements Document
2. Customer Requirements Document
3. Product Requirements document
4. Product Specification
5. Performance Specification

Completion of those documents enables a more comprehensive Design Objective statement to be formulated and communicated.

Once this objective is clearly defined the process of Conceptual Development can begin, where by as many concepts as possible that will meet the Design Objective are developed for evaluation. At this early stage the concepts can be presented in a number of ways, any or all of the following

  • Written or verbal description.
  • diagrams
  • hand drawn sketches
  • Calculations, quantities, properties, spreadsheets
  • CAE models of parts and assemblies, kinematic assembly videos.
  • 3D printed or hand built prototypes.

Bear in mind that the prototypes will be compared a weighted against each other to find the best solution for Proof of Concept, so consider that in your descriptions.

Clarity of communication is always vital for effective team work. It is a vital component of your education.

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3) Commence the detailed Design of your Product or Process solution

1. Ensure you have completed the Design Requirements Specification
2. Develop Concepts to meet this specification
3. Evaluate and select the best Concept
4. Conduct Design embodiment and detailed design
5. Revise this Design to improve Efficiency, Quality and reliability
6. Refer to the application of Simulation

As part of the detained design process carry out a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

FMEA is an analytical technique used by a product design team as a means to identify, define and eliminate, to the extent possible, known or potential failure modes of a product system. It is a part of the Engineering Design process for product development or Process Development in order to identify and eliminate failures in the function of the Product or Process solution.

Conduct a FMEA analysis into your Engineering Design project.

With the help of the notes provided, Design a FMEA table, calculate corresponding RPN (Potential for Risk) numbers and suggest remedial measures.

Note: The product development FMEA analyses the design’s potential failure modes, effects and causes whereas a process/production FMEA focuses on failure modes caused by or within manufacturing and assembly operations

4) COMPLETION of your Design project.

This normally means presenting the Design Solution in the form of detailed and validated specifications, so that, either the product can be built in production volumes or a process improvement can be implemented in a volume production process. To enable this there are international standards for Drawings and Design Specifications that must be complied with. An example is BS8888. Detailed knowledge of those standards are not part of the course. An error in the design specifications can have extremely costly consequences. That is why this is the most critical part of the entire Design Process. Which in turn is why Design Specifications go through a rigorous validation and checking process before they are released. Effectively this release is into the public domain. Therefore approval by senior management of the company is required.

Please complete parts A and B.

A. The primary objective of this Assignment is that you document the specification of your design solution, clearly and accurately, so that it can be implemented, as a new process, or reproduced in volume as a new product, for sales and distribution to the public.

The acid test is – Can someone else follow your specifications and end up with the desired outcome?

Detailed drawings to international standards would normally make up most of the design Documentation. Another part of the design documentation is the Product or Process Design Specification. At the beginning of the design project you are asked to document a ‘Requirements specification’ for the Design solution that is desired. At the completion of the project, and part of the final documentation, a Final Design Specification for the new design that has been completed is required. This is covered in Unit 13.

The final design documentation should ideally consist of dimensioned component drawings, assembly drawings, Bills of Materials and Instructions For Use. It will also include Third party supplier specifications where relevant

B. Before a design solution is completed and documented, it must be validated. In the course notes this validation process is dealt with in

Unit 11 and 12 Simulation,
Unit 14 Environment,
Unit 16 FMEA.

In part B you are asked to

a. identify the risks of failure or malfunction of your design and, if possible how you have mitigated them. You may rate the risk numerically but you do not have to calculate the Risk Priority Number this time

b. identify and discuss Environmental considerations of your design, such as waste reduction and recycling, or improved energy or operational efficiency

c. Discuss how simulation could be usefully applied to your design in order to reassure the functionality of the design.

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