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What products are performing best/least: data analytics Report, NCI, Ireland

University National College of Ireland (NCI)
Subject data analytics Report

The Board of Management at ShopLocal is currently reviewing its strategic plan and is interested particularly in finding out:

• What products are performing best/least?

• What brands are performing best/least?

• What categories are performing best/least?

• Who are our most loyal customers?

• What is the geographical spread of sales?

• Which outlets are performing best/least?

• Trends over time

• Does customer type influence brand selection/ low fat/ recyclable?

• Any other unsupervised insights You are provided with a data set that contains sales data for a supermarket chain, ShopLocal. The dataset includes product, customer, sales, returns, store, and category information. You have been requested to design a dashboard to meet these requirements. The dashboard should contain at least three pages:

• Executive summary

• Product drill down (self-service)

• Key insights

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Struggling with your data analytics Report at the National College of Ireland (NCI)? Look no further! Our Report Writing Services in Ireland and assignments help Ireland cater precisely to your needs. We specialize in deciphering which products perform best and least within the realm of data analytics. Students across Ireland can pay our experts for tailored assistance, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of this subject at NCI. Ease your academic burden and excel in deciphering data trends by availing our expert guidance.

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