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What is the Impact of Meat Consumption on Ireland’s Climate: Research Proposal, UCC,

University University College Cork (UCC)
Subject Research Proposal

Part 1:


General topic

In the face of the issues of the environmental crisis of climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, the consumption of animal-based diet has been called into question on account of its role in contributing toward this crisis. It has been stated by experts and scientists alike that the meat and dairy industry is as contributing as the transportation or the manufacturing industry when it came to the issues of carbon emission and its consequent environmental damages.

Background of the study

In meeting the target of a 40% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030, the EU parliament has decided to put an additional tax on its beef industry (Carrington, 2020). In various investigative studies like the one by CE Delft, it has been shown that the beef industries of the EU countries are largely responsible for an increased amount of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.

Research rationale

In one of the UN reports on environmental studies it was found out that the meat and dairy industry would account for 14.5% of the global greenhouse-gas emissions, and this finding has been an eye-opener for many developed nations to promote sustainable vegan food choices for their people (BBC Good Food, 2020). With this in mind, it was an interesting question as to whether Ireland, which has more than 100 thousands livestock farms, would follow the example of the EU, in promoting veganism, and the answer to this question can no better be answered by the city of Dublin, which is the largest and the capital of the Irish nation.

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Research aim and objectives


The aim of the current research is to investigate whether Dublin is a good place for making investments into opening a vegan restaurant by assessing its corresponding market demands.


  • To understand the impact of meat consumption and its effect on climate change in Ireland
  • To comprehend the ways in which veganism can be an effective tool for addressing environmental issues in Ireland
  • To assess the demands for vegan foods in Dublin, Ireland
  • To understand the various challenges that a vegan restaurant in Dublin might face
  • To offer recommendations in which the current market challenges for vegan foods can be eliminated for a new vegan restaurant to operate successfully in Dublin

Research questions

  1. What is the impact of meat consumption on Ireland’s climate?
  2. How veganism can be an effective tool for addressing environmental issues in Ireland?
  3. What is the nature of market demand for vegan foods in Dublin, Ireland?
  4. What are the challenges that a vegan restaurant in Dublin might face?
  5. What are the solutions that would mitigate the market challenges for vegan foods in Dublin for a vegan restaurant to operate in a successful manner?

Part 2:

Write a Business Project Report. The Report should be not less than 3500 words and not more than 5000 words in length. There are penalties for presenting work that has strayed too far from this prescription.

The Final Report should include:

  • Executive Summary
    Summarise the report and should include a statement of the aims of the research and the objectives/ hypothesis. The key findings, conclusions and recommendations should also be included.
  • Introduction
    Similar to the background in the research proposal, but should have more depth. The introduction should give some background to the organisation commissioning the research, and outline the reasons for the need for the research. It should provide some preliminary information to place the research in context, and should specify the research aim(s) and objectives or hypothesis. A description of the value of the research should also be included.
  • Literature Review
    The literature review should include an analysis of the existing literature and work of other experts in your chosen topic. It should lay out the research already done by other researchers in your chosen field and should present the work in a logical and progressive manner. All sources used should be properly referenced using The Harvard System of referencing.
  • Research Methodology
    This should include your research approach, the specific research strategy to be used and a discussion on the research population and sampling techniques. It should also contain information on the data collections techniques to be used and specify and limitations to the research.
  • Data Analysis and Results
    In this section the student should present an analysis of the data collected and a discussion of the results of the analysis
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
    Based on the results of the data analysis, the students should present their findings and conclusions, and make any appropriate recommendations that arise from the conclusions drawn. In preparing this chapter, students should remember that all findings, conclusions and recommendations must be based on the evidence discovered through their research.
  • Bibliography and Webography
    This should include the list of sources and where they can be found. The bibliography should also conform to the Harvard style of referencing.
  • Appendices
    This section should include any appropriate and relevant material to the research
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Writing a research proposal is a very significant work. It takes lots of hard work and effort. If you stuck anywhere in your research proposal then you can take the help of irelandassignments.ie. It is the best assignment website in Ireland that offers the world's top-quality research proposal writing services to UCC students.

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