Blockchain Technology in Financial Reporting: Enhancing Transparency, Security, and Accuracy Please select one of the topics below and write an academic paper consisting of a critical review and synthesis of the literature together with some analysis and interpretation of this literature review. This piece of work should be in the range of 7,000-8,000 words (excluding… Continue reading Impact of Blockchain Technology in Accounting and Financial Reporting Dissertation
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Introduction “A statement, other than one made by a person while giving oral evidence in the proceedings is inadmissible as evidence of any fact stated”. In Cullen v Clarke it was stated: “There is no general rule of evidence to the effect that a witness may not testify as to the words spoken by a person… Continue reading Assignment Case note Evidence Law, UCD, Ireland
Questions Question 1 “The rule of law insists that rights and obligations are prescribed in legal form and may be altered only in the matter permitted by law.” Outline Ireland’s breach of domestic and European Union law for international protection applicants and the right to shelter/accommodation. In your response, you must also engage with key… Continue reading LAW10360 Resit Assessment September 2024 : Law, Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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How-To Guide The Written Assignment represents 70% of the overall course grade. Instructions The Written Assignment essay should be completed at the conclusion of the course, once all sessions have been completed. The submission date is approximately two weeks after the final session of the course; please check the course details for the exact date.… Continue reading Demonstrate an understanding of and apply key (fundamental) concepts and principles in network application and mobile security: Cybersecurity, Written Assignment, UCD, Ireland
Below are 5 questions. Please answer all 5 questions. Each answer should be no more than 400 words. You do not need to reference your answers, however your research should be in relation to Northern Ireland laws . This coursework should be submitted with the usual coursework covering sheet to the dropbox which you will… Continue reading Identify and explain 3 of the so-called underpinning principles of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 : law social work, Coursework, UCD, Ireland
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According to Rossiter and Robin (2020) Mental health nurses have a pivotal role during times of trouble and difficulty in people’s lives. Traumatic incidents, crisis, loss and grief often result in significant destabilisation and chaos for many. Create a 5-minutes podcast in which the mental health nurse offers ingot and supports to a service user… Continue reading Bereavement and loss, Assignment, UCD, Ireland
You are required to submit the following: Short Essay – a review of literature Choose an essay from the essay list. Write an essay/a review of literature, not exceeding 500 words, about the topic and its importance in the health services. Support your writing by relevant citations/references (minimum 6 academic scholarly references not Wikipedia). The… Continue reading MMD2003 Academic writing, information Technology and Evidence-Based Practice, Assignment, UCD, Ireland
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I am looking to write a paper , based on below criteria on case : In Re a Ward of Court (No. 2) [1996] 2 I.R. 79 Read the case. Can you confirm if this is possible and costing? Thanks Summarise the facts of the case. Identify the legal issues or controversies arising from those… Continue reading Discuss how the judgment in the case decided those issues and controversies (including, if relevant, any differences of opinion from other judges who issued decisions on the case): Medical Law, Assignment, UCD, Ireland
As a non Irish citizen who was on sick leave for 3 months this year due to left eye sore and rapid eye pressure followed by loosing sight after irregular dropping and mistreated sickness (Angular Glaucoma and cataract removal)I need support in terms of legal assistance in the field of occupational medicine and hospital negligence… Continue reading As a non Irish citizen who was on sick leave for 3 months this year due to left eye sore and rapid eye pressure: Medical Treatment Negligence, Report , UCD, Ireland
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Assignment 3 asks students to present analysis from an SPSS dataset. (The dataset is available on moodle.) You are required to submit a report based on your analysis of data from this dataset. You must submit this assignment on moodle. You should choose choose a minimum of 14 findings for your analysis. These findings should… Continue reading Asks students to present analysis from an SPSS dataset: Research method, Assignment 3, UCD, Ireland