QUESTION 1: CHILDHOOD {A} What is meant by the following terms: 1. The cephalocaudal principle 2. The proximodistal principle {B} Outline the stages and sequences of physical development for a child during the period 12 months to 2 years. {C} Compare the prelinguistic stage and linguistic stage of language development. {D} Outline the role of… Continue reading 5N1279: Outline the Stages and Sequences of Physical Development for a Child during the Period 12 months: Human Growth and Development Assignment, OU
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Task 1 Compare person-centered planning in Ireland and the international perspective In order to make this comparison consider the following: Hogeway (CNN Dementia Village) is available on YouTube. What are the similarities and differences between the approach to PCP in The Netherlands and Ireland? Use NDA and Real Lives on Paper Plans to support your… Continue reading Compare Person-Centered Planning in Ireland and the International Perspective: Person Centered Planning (PCP) Assignment, OU
Assignment 1 Brief: You are required to reflect on your practice as a care worker and key areas of personal learning. You should base your reflections on past experiences when working in the area of life experience. You must utilize a reflective tool when writing these pieces of the learner record. Examples of tools to… Continue reading You are Required to Reflect on Your Practice as a Care Worker and Key Areas of Personal Learning: Care Support Assignment, OU
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Assignment Details: You are required to submit a written assignment that details your understanding of health and safety in the workplace to include a health and safety audit. You should follow the below criteria to complete the assignment: Part 1: 1. Review the policies and procedures in relation to health and safety that are in… Continue reading 5N1794 You are required to submit a written assignment that details your understanding of health and safety in the workplace: Safety & Health at Work Assignment, OU, Ireland
Learning Outcomes: A: Understand the role of government in health and social care policymaking B: Examine the factors that may influence policy making in health and social care C: Explore the impact of policy on local health and social care organizations and individuals. Task 1: Your research should be presented as a report that evaluates… Continue reading Unit 16: Evaluates How the Practice of a Health and Social Care Setting Local to You: Policy in Health and Social Care Assignment, OU,
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Assignment Details: The assignment will comprise of four parts and should clearly demonstrate understanding in the following areas: The role and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant The qualities and skills of an effective Special Needs Assistant Legislation Refection on personal practice To protect confidentiality and anonymity, do not make any reference to the names… Continue reading 5N1786: List (briefly) the Nine Primary Care Needs Requiring SNA Support: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OU
Assignment Brief: Selecting a business of your choice, you are asked to: 1) Write a brief outline of the business itself 2) Select a particular process/activity within the business and i. Prepare a Process Map / Chart using the five (5) symbols discussed in class ii. Using a recognized technique – such as Method Study… Continue reading Prepare a Process Map / Chart using the five (5) symbols: Managing Productivity Assignment, OU,
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Instructions for Content You are required to produce a record of your learning of topics in Special Needs and Special Needs Assisting. This record should describe your learning on: The general role of the SNA as laid out by the DES and a discussion of how the role adapts in relation to the individual needs… Continue reading 6N195: You are Required to Produce a Record of Your Learning of Topics in Special Needs: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OU,
1. Professional Practice Activity 1: Write an overview of disability awareness and current good practice Learner record 1 Professional knowledge and skills: Provide an overview to introduce the activities in this assessment: Introduce the activities and learner records to include collaboration with staff in organizing planning and implementing the activities in a professional manner. Give… Continue reading 6N1975: Write an Overview of Disability Awareness and Current Good Practice: Disability Awareness Assignment, OU
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Assessment Guidelines: The learner is required to conduct a needs/strength analysis on a child. They will then plan and carry two activities based on a thorough analysis of the child’s needs. The work should be presented in the following format: Introduction: The learner will observe a child over a specified period of time with permission… Continue reading 6N1957: Conduct a Needs/Strength Analysis on a Child and Carry Two Activities based on a thorough Analysis: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OU,