PART A – Project (Background Research) QUESTION 4 Outline the duties that are respectful to a person’s body after death. (5 Marks, 300 Words or 10 Sentences) Explore discussion of a person’s wishes with family members and how to show sensitive awareness to family members during this difficult time Outline in detail how to be… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N2706: Outline the duties that are respectful to a person’s body after death: Care of the Older Person Assignment & Project, OC, Ireland
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QUESTION 3 Outline the impact of ageing on the older person. (6 Mark, 100 Words or 1 Short Paragraph) Discuss preparation for retirement and promotion of positive attitudes Outline what are the issues that are specific to the ageing population Discuss ways to promote a positive approach to maintaining good health Get Solution of this… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N2706: Outline the impact of ageing on the older person: Care of the Older Person Assignment & Project, OC, Ireland
PART A – Project (Background Research) QUESTION 2 Outline the needs of the older person. (7 Marks, 200 Words or 1 Paragraph) Display an awareness of specific conditions affecting Outline a general understanding of the needs of an older person living in Ireland today Give reference in your answer to the dimensions of wellness and… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N2706: Outline the needs of the older person: Care of the Older Person Assignment & Project, OC, Ireland
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PART A – Project (Background Research) QUESTION 1 Outline the current care provision for older people in Ireland. (5 Marks, 200 Words or 1 Paragraph) Display an awareness of future trends Give details on the current care provisions for older people in Ireland: Nursing homes, hospital care or home care Note any legislation that exists… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N2706: Outline the current care provision for older people in Ireland: Care of the Older Person Assignment & Project, OC, Ireland
PART A – Project (Background Research) QUESTION 1 Outline the current care provision for older people in Ireland. (5 Marks, 200 Words or 1 Paragraph) Display an awareness of future trends Give details on the current care provisions for older people in Ireland: Nursing homes, hospital care or home care Note any legislation that exists… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N2706 Care of the Older Person Assignment & Project, OC, Ireland
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General Instructions: 1. Read the following carefully and make sure you understand all instructions. If you need clarification, check with your Supervisor/Assessor before the assessment begins. 2 Where relevant, put your name on all answer sheets/assessment work. 3 Check that you have all the necessary materials to complete the Project. 4. The Project is designed… Continue reading QQI Level 6 6N3325: Prepare a training plan or checklist to manage the success of the proposed training, based on the systematic training cycle: Training Needs Analysis And Programme Design, Assignment, OC, Ireland
Task 1 – Organisation of the Task Preparation of client for the task-explanations and reassurances given (1 mark) Collection of relevant materials/equipment (1 mark) Organisation of the area/equipment following correct safety and hygiene procedures (1 mark) Procedure Carried out in the correct order step by step (2 marks) Carried out the task in a professional… Continue reading Care Skill Demonstration Assignment, OC, Ireland
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TASK 1 Explain the role and benefits of Special Needs assisting. Outline the difference between integration and inclusion (1.1, 1.2, 1.3). TASK 2 Identify, and provide an overview of, two specific pieces of legislation which impact on the provision of special needs education in Ireland. Provide two examples, per piece of legislation, to show the… Continue reading Explain the role and benefits of Special Needs assisting. Outline the difference between integration and inclusion (1.1, 1.2, 1.3): Special Needs Assisting Level 6 Report, OC, Ireland
Guidelines Identify and profile a distinct client group (high dependency) with a range of healthcare needs (people with stroke, cancer etc) and demonstrate how these people with high dependency needs can be cared for by you the carer. Introduction Give an introduction by saying what you are going to do in this assignment. Needs of… Continue reading 5N2770: Identify and profile a distinct client group (high dependency) with a range of healthcare: Care Skills Assignment 1, OC, Ireland
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Instructions For this skills demonstration you are required to conduct a needs/strengths analysis on a child. Following this you are required to plan, implement and evaluate two activity plans based on the findings of the needs/strength’s analysis. Please present your work on the following headings: Title page / Table of contents Background information – Provide… Continue reading You are required to plan, implement and evaluate two activity plans based on the findings of the needs/strength’s analysis: SNA Assignment, OC, Ireland