The health and well-being of children are one of the topmost priorities in a country. It is necessary to have effective legislations and facilities in place that ensure the well-being of children in the country. In this project, I will be discussing the main forms of abuse, the signs, and symptoms of child abuse while… Continue reading The health and well-being of children are one of the topmost priorities in a country. It is necessary to have effective legislations: Childhood Social, Legal & Health Studies Assignment, OC, Ireland
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Critically examine the principles of palliative care and apply this holistic approach to their area of clinical practice. Critically analyze interventions for the management of pain and the relief of other symptoms for patients requiring palliative care Critically explore the relationship between the professional, legal, and ethical issues pertinent to the management of patients requiring… Continue reading Critically examine the principles of palliative care and apply this holistic approach to their area of clinical practice: Palliative Care for Health Care Professionals Assignment, OC, Ireland
According to the World Health Organisation WHO 2022, mental health is a state of well-being in which individuals can reach their potential and can cope with the everyday stress of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to their community. Prior to undertaking this module my knowledge of mental well-being was somewhat limited.… Continue reading According to the World Health Organization WHO 2022, mental health is a state of well-being in which individuals can reach their potential: Mental Health Assignment, OC, Ireland
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TP is 84 years old. He has been a resident of a care home for the elderly for the past 2 years. Originally, he came to the care home with his wife as they felt that they would be happier in a care home receiving help with everyday tasks and the opportunity to be around… Continue reading D20032: TP is 84 years old. He has been a resident of a care home for the elderly for the past 2 years. Originally, he came to the care home: Human Growth & Development Case Study, OC, Ireland
You are the supervisor (Joan Dwyer) in a full daycare setting. Over the past months, you have noticed that Tom Murphy, aged 4 has attended the preschool service with dirty clothes. He has complained frequently of feeling hungry and displayed aggressive behaviors toward other children; this was not typical until now. When Mum left him… Continue reading 5N1770: You are the supervisor (Joan Dwyer) in a full daycare setting. Over the past months, you have noticed that Tom Murphy, aged 4 has attended: Early Care and Education Practice Course Work, OC, Ireland
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Define and discuss Attachment theory and its influence on child development. Using your knowledge and understanding of attachment style theory evaluate and discuss the impact of divorce on a child’s holistic development. Discuss a series of Recommendations and strategies that may be used in practice to support children and adolescents as they adapt to the… Continue reading 6N2023: Define and discuss Attachment theory and its influence on child development. Using your knowledge and understanding: Child Psychology Assignment, OC, Ireland
Person-Centered care can be defined “as an approach to practice that is established through the formation and fostering of therapeutic relationships between all care providers, patients, and others significant to them. Person-centered care is underpinned by values of respect for persons, individual right to self-determination, mutual respect, and understanding”. The concept of PCC can be… Continue reading Person-Centered care can be defined “as an approach to practice that is established through the formation and fostering of therapeutic relationships: Person Care Assignment, OC, Ireland
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Discuss the core skills of management. Examine and discuss the role of leadership within the core skills of management. Discuss 3 different styles of leadership and their impact on staff. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your own leadership style. Explore and describe the key points of 2 motivation theories. Discuss how these theories… Continue reading 6N3945: Discuss the core skills of management. Examine and discuss the role of leadership within the core skills of management: Managing People Assignment, OC, Ireland
Critical analysis of the role and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant. Comprehensive understanding of the values and approaches relevant to the role of the Special Needs Assistant and recommendations for improving practice. Appropriate referencing of relevant legislation and the implementation of good practice. Critical reflection of own personal learning and development. Are You Searching… Continue reading 5N1786: Critical analysis of the role and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant. Comprehensive understanding of the values: Special Needs Assisting Assignment, OC, Ireland
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When Hasam was in his early sixties he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Initially, he was able to manage his condition however as the condition progressed Hasam was forced to sell his restaurant. Initially, Hasam was cared for at home and then attended the local daycare center three days a week. When he was no… Continue reading 5N2706: When Hasam was in his early sixties he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Initially, he was able to manage his condition however: Care of the Older Person Assignment, OC, Ireland