Title and abstract: A concise and descriptive title that reflects the essence of your research Introduction: Provide an overview of the research problem. Present the context, importance, and relevance of your study. State the research questions or objectives. Literature review: Review existing literature related to your research topic. Identify gaps in knowledge or areas where… Continue reading Applied Research Methods: Machine Learning, Thesis Proposal, OBU, Ireland
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Scenario Please advise on improving the hospital’s phlebotomy service. The service is available to all patients in the hospital, as long as the patient is either mobile enough to come to the phlebotomy room or is brought there by a porter or nurse. The service employs six phlebotomists, a receptionist, and a manager. There is… Continue reading HESC7006: Please advise on improving the hospital’s phlebotomy service. The service is available to all patients in the hospital: Operational Management in Health & Social Care Assignment, OBU, Ireland