You are required to investigate and complete a project on the experience impact of discrimination and discriminating practices encountered by one of the following groups in Irish society. Travellers The socially marginalised Elderly people Immigrant and migrant workers of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. Groups in Irish society who belong to minority religions. LGBTQI+ Community.… Continue reading 5N1370: You are required to investigate and complete a project on the experience impact of discrimination: Social Studies Assignment, CETB, Ireland
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Guidelines/Instructions: Please read the attached case study and answer the following questions in relation to it. ⦁ Define or explain in psychological terms what Jessica’s issues are. ⦁ Identify the signs and symptoms usually associated with these issues. ⦁ Outline two different psychological viewpoints as to how these issues can occur. ⦁ Outline the short-… Continue reading Define or explain in psychological terms what Jessica’s issues are: Paula Curtis Case Study, CETB, Ireland
Guidelines: The Caring for Groups in the Community Assignment may be a word-processed submission. If it is the assignment must be submitted on Moodle in PDF format. Please ensure that you have received feedback on your draft submission. You are required to write an approximately 1,500-word assignment including the following: 1) IDENTIFY CLIENT GROUPS IN… Continue reading IDENTIFY CLIENT GROUPS IN NEED OF CARE IN THE COMMUNITY Identify the specific range: care and provision Assignment, CETB, Ireland
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Guidelines: You are required to carry out five observations, covering each of the five areas of development: physical, intellectual, language, emotional, and social. Two observations should be carried out with young children aged 0 to 2 years 8 months. Two observations should be carried with young children aged 2 years 8 months to 6. The… Continue reading 5C21526 You are required to carry out five observations, covering each of the five areas of development: physical, intellectual: Growth and development in early years Assignment, CETB, Ireland
Learning Outcome:- Design interviews for identified purposes with some assistance. Conduct and record interviews for identified purposes with some assistance. Design interviews for identified purposes competently and with only occasional assistance Conduct and record interviews for identified purposes competently and with only occasional assistance. Design interviews for identified purposes to a quality that reflects near-professional… Continue reading Design interviews for identified purposes with some assistance. Conduct and record interviews for identified purposes with some assistance: Radio Production Assignment, CETB, Ireland