Part A – 1) Portfolio Brief Assessment Brief You are required to prepare a report of your planning and preparation for work experience. The report should demonstrate a clear understanding of the value of planning and preparation in order to maximize participation and learning opportunities effectively during work experience. Part A – Portfolio 1. Workplace… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N1356: You are required to prepare a report of your planning and preparation for work experience: Work Experience, Assignment, CC, Ireland
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Part A – 1) Portfolio Brief Assessment Brief You are required to prepare a report of your planning and preparation for work experience. The report should demonstrate a clear understanding of the value of planning and preparation in order to maximize participation and learning opportunities effectively during work experience. Part A – Portfolio 1. Workplace… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N1356: Work Experience, Assignment, CC, Ireland
Section Five This piece of your project requires you to demonstrate your ability to reflect and offer your views and opinions. You are required to: Outline the value of significant National policies and pieces of legislation Make recommendations to improve special needs provision in Ireland relating to gaps in current legislation and policy Give appropriate… Continue reading This piece of your project requires you to demonstrate your ability to reflect and offer your views and opinions: Special Needs Education, Assignment, CC, Ireland
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Section Two This section of your project requests that you explore the education/ childcare sector in an Irish context. You are required to outline: 1. The provisions for special educational needs in the education/childcare sector. 2. Government influences on the sector e.g., inclusion and integration policies, and funding. 3. The role and responsibilities of a… Continue reading You explore the education/ childcare sector in an Irish context: Special Needs Education, Assignment, CC, Ireland
Section One An outline of Special Needs Provision in Ireland. Swan (2000), describes the progression of special needs education in Ireland in three phases: 1. The era of neglect and denial 2. The era of the special school 3. The era of integration and inclusion You are required to research, explore and discuss each of… Continue reading Swan (2000), describes the progression of special needs education in Ireland: Explore and discuss each of the three ‘eras’ identified by Swan making reference: Special needs education, Assignment, CC, Ireland
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Part 2 – Learner Record’ You are required to plan and organise an activity which reflects the partnership approach between the service user and the team. The activity should demonstrate strategies to reinforce positive mental health for residents/clients. The activity should be set out using the following headings: 1. Introduction to task Aim of activity… Continue reading 5N3773: Recovery in Mental Health: Demonstrate strategies to reinforce positive mental health for residents/clients: Mental health communications and infection and prevention, Assignment, CC, Ireland
Part 1: As part of this project you are required to: 1. Identify three different types of mental illness and for each: Discuss prevalence of the illness in Ireland and compare with prevalence worldwide Outline the characteristics associated with each. Identify the impact each of these mental illnesses has upon the client’s care needs 2.… Continue reading 5N3773: Recovery in Mental Health: Discuss prevalence of the illness in Ireland and compare with prevalence worldwide: Mental health communications and infection and prevention, Assignment, CC, Ireland
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Part 1 – Assignment a) Assignment One Patrick is 82 years old and is a client that you work with. Patrick is blind, he has slowly lost his sight over the last 5 years. Increasingly over time, Patrick has begun to isolate himself socially. You are required to write an assignment based on Patrick and… Continue reading 5N2770: Patrick is 82 years old and is a client that you work with, Patrick is blind, he has slowly lost his sight over the last 5 years: QQI Level 5: Care Skills Module, Assignment, CC, Ireland
Part 1 – Assignment a) Assignment One Patrick is 82 years old and is a client that you work with. Patrick is blind, he has slowly lost his sight over the last 5 years. Increasingly over time, Patrick has begun to isolate himself socially. You are required to write an assignment based on Patrick and… Continue reading QQI Level 5 5N2770: Care Skills Module, Assignment, CC, Ireland
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Learning Outcomes: Critically evaluate inclusivity, equality and diversity terminology and concepts relevant to the ELC sector in Ireland. Differentiate between approaches to diversity education including assimilation, multicultural, intercultural, and anti-bias. Recognising barriers and challenges to inclusivity, equality, and diversity in ELC and develop strategies that support all children. Apply best practice guidelines to equality proof… Continue reading Critically Evaluate Inclusivity, Equality And Diversity Terminology And Concepts Relevant To The Elc Sector In Ireland : Childcare QQI Level 6, CC, Ireland