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TI335: The Government Of Ireland Has Committed €25.5 Million To Encourage A Healthier Atmosphere: Research Project Design Development Dissertation, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject TI335: Research Project Design Development



The Government of Ireland has committed €25.5 million to encourage a healthier atmosphere Why atmosphere here? – not linked to landfills: groundwater/soils/noise are equally/more relevant through the maintenance of landfills and disposal? problems?. €2m is designated for general education and awareness-raising initiatives. The Awareness Campaign what campaign? seeks to encourage the conservation of Ireland’s environmental assets, the safety and well-being of the people, and the transformation to a resource-efficient sustainable society, as illustrated in the Waste Action Plan for the Circular Economy, to help environmentally sustainable production, growth and employment and the remaining €23.5 million will be used for the Landfill Abatement Project (Gov. ie, 2021).

The government will use these resources to keep the recovery of environmentally contaminated abandoned landfill sites maintained by municipal authorities and private landfill sites managed by the Government. Of these grants, €15 million will be used for the restoration of the Kerdiffstown landfill in Kildare County, among the most challenging recovery locations in the project. However, it is impossible to fully evaluate the success of Ireland with respect to environmental disruptions and climate policies. Ireland’s CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions have risen by approx. 300% from 1960 to 2001 but have reduced by approx. 35% since. Likewise, Ireland’s gross per capita consumption of electricity more than increased from 1960 to 2001 but dropped by 22.5 percent by 2015. In conclusion, modest progress ).

Aims and objectives

The aim of this research is to find out the general public’s attitude to sustainable consumption through the prism of online information and consumer behavior. Specifically, this research will……


1. To investigate the general public attitude towards sustainable consumption through an online survey…who is the target audience?

2. To study the issue of climate change and sustainable consumption from secondary sources what are these? Where are these?

3. To find ways of improving the level of understanding, people have regarding sustainable products and maintaining sustainable consumption.

 Research question

The research question is understanding people’s attitude to sustainable consumption is influenced by social media, news, and friends.

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