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The industry it operates in and the operating strategy evident in this organisation: Logistics Warehousing & Distribution Assignment, BCFE, Ireland

University Ballyfermot College of Further Education (BCFE)
Subject Logistics Warehousing & Distribution

Assignment Requirements:

  1. Introduction to the organisation, the industry it operates in and the operating strategy evident in this organisation.
  2. Evaluate how the distribution or warehousing of this organisation is delivered, resourced and managed.
  3. Outline what technologies and partnerships have been employed by the organisation and what are the potential benefits that this technology and partnership arrangements will realise for the organisation.
  4. Reflect on the existing and future challenges in distribution and warehouse management and evaluate how they will impact the organisation.
  5. Report – Academic Writing.
  6. Individual Presentation – Develop a Powerpoint Presentation, synopsising your report. Develop the Presentation as if it was to be presented to the Management/Board of your chosen Organisation .

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