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The hour to try your souls and redeem your pledges has arrived. The executive of the National Land League, forced to abandon the policy: History Assignment, UCC, Ireland

University University College Cork (UCC)
Subject History

The hour to try your souls and redeem your pledges has arrived. The executive of the National Land League, forced to abandon the policy of testing the land act, feels bound to advise the tenant-farmers of Ireland from this day forth to pay no rents under any circumstances to their landlords until the government relinquishes the existing system of terrorism and restores the constitutional rights of the people.

Do not be daunted by the removal of your leaders … Do not be wheedled into a compromise of any sort by the threat of eviction. If you only act together in the spirit to which, within the last two years, you have countless times solemnly pledged your vows, they can no more evict a whole nation than they can imprison them.

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Our exiled brothers in America may be relied upon to contribute, if necessary, as many millions of money as they have contributed thousands to starve out landlordism and bring English tyranny to its knees. No power on earth except faintheartedness on your own part can defeat you. Landlordism is already staggering under the blows which you have dealt it amid the applause of the world.

One more heroic effort to destroy landlordism at the very source and fount of its existence and the system which was and is the curse of your race and of your existence will have disappeared forever.

No power of legalized violence can extort one penny from your purses against your will. If you are evicted, you shall not suffer; the landlord who evicts will be a mined pauper, and the government which supports him with its bayonets will learn in a single winter how powerless is an armed force against the will of a united, determined, and self-reliant nation.

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