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The dataset comes from an online retail company that tries to acquire: Marketing Analytics Assignment, TCD

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Marketing Analytics

Assignment Brief:

The dataset comes from an online retail company that tries to acquire customers through various means such as direct mail, organic search, paid search, etc. Each row identifies one customer that was acquired and a certain acquisition cost is incurred. Some customers make subsequent purchases, and some don’t. In order to improve the performance of the company, the marketing team decided to send out discount offers to some of the customers that were acquired through direct mail. The discount offers are included in the acquisition cost.

Please read the questions carefully and answer them within the same sheet as the question:

Question 1:

Create a table for each attribute (e.g., Gender) and record the percentage of responses for each answer (e.g., % of respondents answering “male” and % answering “female”).

Please indicate what each table represents. Avoid generating meaningless table as it would incur penalty points

Question 2:

a) Correlate as many attributes and variables as possible?
b) Find the three highest and three lowest correlations?
c) Explain what those high and low values mean? Not only in mathematical terms but also contextually.
d) What are the insights that you can generate from the correlations above?

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Question 3:

Select one or two attributes to use as the basis for generating segmentation schemes. Please go beyond simple segmentations like gender or age categories, unless you have a very good reason and explanation for choosing these simple segmentation strategies.

As you generate segmentation schemes, Use the data in the “Data” worksheet to fill each cell in the tables shown below. Remember to try to create segments that are homogenous internally and heterogeneous across segments for the indicated number of segments. Not all attributes will be used.

Note: You don’t need to necessarily generate 7 segments. Use your data and your own judgment of how many segments you need.

Note: Other interesting information is important to include. This will depend on you segmentation and analysis. You can use any number of rows below the table to add futhur information about each segment.

Segment name Seg 1 Seg 2 Seg 3 Seg 4 Seg 5 Seg 6 Seg 7
Number of Customer
Percentage of customer
Average Total Spend
Description of segment
Most Sources of customers
Most frequent brand used
Average Total Profit form that segment
Average profit margin
Subsequent order profit relative to the first order profit
Any other Interesting Information

Question 4:

Write a 300-word summary of your selected segmentation scheme (from question 3) and how you arrived at the segmentation. Include descriptive names for your segments that would be understandable to the marketing manager at the online retail company.

Question 5:

The company has been sending out discount offers to customers that their source is from direct mail. The offers are added to the marketing cost in the data. Please note that the interest rate is always 8 percent and each customer makes one purchase per month.

Hint: You need to calculate the retention rate from the variable “NumberOfMonthsAlive”. You can create pivot tables to see the count of customers that survive a different number of months and calculate the average retention rate per month from there.

a) Please fill in the below table using pivot tables.

Column 1 Direct Mail Other Customers
Avg revenue per customer over the months they make a purchase
Orders per months
Number of Customers
Rentention rate per month
Avg Profit Margin
Average cost of servicing per month
Acquisition cost
Yearly interest rate 0.08 0.08
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