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6N1945: Select workers to perform the task. Observe them performing the task and note down the key elements: Childhood Legal Social and Health Assignment, OU, Ireland

University The Open University (OU)
Subject Childhood Legal Social and Health

His scientific approach includes/requires:

Select workers to perform the task. Observe them performing the task and note down the key elements. Record the time taken to perform each part of the task. Identify the quickest method recorded. Train all workers to do the task in the quickest way and do not allow them to make changes in it.

Supervise workers to ensure that this “best way” is being used by them. Pay workers on the basis of results based on the theory of economic man. This theory/approach gained popularity initially and Taylor himself supported this notion. He strongly believes that workers are Just motivated by financial rewards, as his theory is also named as ‘economic man’ theory. This approach of Taylor meets the lower level of human needs which are physiological and safety needs. Taylor’s ideas became less popular during the 1960s for a number of reasons

Child Protection —

Case Study Joey Murphy is aged 3 years and 7 months. He has been attending The Alphabet Crèche & Pre-School since he was 18months old. Initially, he attended three days a week from 8 am until 5 pm, whilst his mother returned to employment. Since the age of 2 years and 6 months, Joey has been attending full-time. Joey’s mother drops him off at 7:45 am each morning and collects him no later than 5:15 pm.

Joey lives with his mother Jennie, his father Rob, and his older sister Alice aged 7 years. Alice also attended ‘Alphabet’ as a baby and toddler. Jennie is expecting her third child and is currently twenty weeks pregnant. Both parents work full-time — Jennie manages an office in the local town and Rob owns his own contracting business. Alice is in 1st Class in the local primary school. They live in a very pretty rural area and have just completed renovations on a cottage that has been in Rob’s family for some time. The family is well known in the local area.

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