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Sara-Jane Owns the Clothing Store “That’s So SJ” in the Center of Dublin: Legal Aspects of Business Assignment, GCD,

University Griffith College Dublin (GCD)
Subject Business Management

Sara-Jane owns the clothing store “That’s So SJ” in the center of Dublin. Last week while working in the shop, a customer approached the counter with a handbag from one of Sara-Jane’s most luxurious brands. Marge, one of Sara-Jane’s most senior staff members, went to serve the customer. After a couple of moments, Sara-Jane realized that she could hear shouting coming from the counter area of the shop. Sara-Jane was very surprised at this and went to see if she could be of any assistance.

As she reached the counter Sara-Jane could hear the customer shouting: “This is an outrage! I know my rights! I am a well-known social media influencer and when my followers find out the way this business treats its customers you will be very sorry!”

With that, the customer stormed out of the shop, scowling and muttering to herself. Sara-Jane made inquiries with Marge to try to understand what had happened. Marge informed Sarah-Jane that when the customer approached the counter, she was greeted with a smile and a warm “Hello, how are you how can I help you?”, as is company policy. The customer indicated that she wanted to buy the bag. Marge scanned the tag, and a price of $750 came up on the till display.

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Almost instantly the customer started to argue with Marge that the handbag was not $750, it was $75, that the sign on the display shelf said $75, and that the price sticker on the handle said $75. When Marge realized the error, she tried to explain that the rack in question was previously used to hang sale items, but, the sale had finished last week and that this coat was part of new stock (the luxury Summer range).

At this, the customer became even angrier and started to shout at MArge that the shop was trying to commit a fraud on her and that she (the customer) “knew her rights and that she would accept to be treated badly by the shop. The bag was clearly offered for sale for $75”, and that she had: “an absolute right to buy the item, and that the price was $750. That was the point at which the customer angrily left the shop. Sara-Jane is confused.

Sara-Jane is asking you to advise her on the following questions:

1. Define the term ‘offer’.

2. Was the bag offered for sale by the business? Why, or why not?

3. Give Sara-Jane a detailed explanation of the essential requirements for the creation of a contract.

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