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Public company reporting under IFRS Assignment Help

Your group must choose a public company reporting under IFRS. Do not choose a financial institution. Using this company’s most recent annual report, conduct the following analysis:

1. Describe the type of business in which it operates.

2. Read the reports from the CEO and the chairman, and discuss any information from these letters that might be useful to a shareholder.

3. Discuss the commitments and contingencies of the company, and the significance of these items.

4. Write an analysis of the company’s profit and cash flow performance for the year.

5. Describe how the company has used any three accounting standards that you may have studied.

6. After reviewing the accounts, discuss the future prospects of the company, including any concerns you may have.

Describe how the company has used any three accounting standards that you may have studied – 10 marks for each standard L ordeal company’s financial report 2017 IAS 33 EPS, diluted EPS IAS 38 IFRS 3

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