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PS342: Research The Subject Well Before Writing: Positive Psychology Essay, MU, Ireland

University Maynooth University (MU)
Subject PS342: Positive Psychology


  • Research the subject well before writing. Refer to relevant textbooks, reviews, and journal articles. If necessary, consult relevant internet sites.
  • Before you start writing, work out a plan for the essay – what will you cover, and how will you structure it to support the flow of meaning and logic, and to achieve an overall synthesis and coherence in your essay. Consider using an argument map or structural outline to work out your arguments before writing your essay. Follow the rules of usage when writing your essay (see summary below of Strunk and White’s classic book, The Elements of Style).
  • The Introduction is important. This is where you make your first impression on the reader. Beginning with a quotation, a definition or a short anecdote can capture the reader’s attention. Then set the scene for what is to follow. What is the issue being considered, what exactly will you cover in your essay? If you tell us at the outset, the essay will make more sense. Indeed, you can open directly with a claim that captures the reader’s attention immediately, and then set the scene for what is to follow – leading with a strong synthesis and a sense of coherence and purpose.
  • Each subsequent paragraph should then deal with one of the issues you wish to address. The first sentence in a paragraph introduces what you wish to say. The rest of the paragraph then develops the idea or argument. One theme, one paragraph.
  • There should be continuity and flow through the body of the essay to hold the reader’s attention.
  • Use references to research findings or other review and theory papers to reinforce your argument and cite the name and date: e.g. “Dwyer (2004) notes that……”, or, “It has been noted that young males binge drink on average twice a week (Foley, 2002).” Back up the points that you are making with reference to the place where you encountered the idea.
  • Think critically about the material you are citing. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory and research?
  • Having addressed the issues or arguments, summarize them in your conclusion. While it is important, to sum up what has already been said, it is critical that you do not simply repeat your paragraph sentences. A good concluding statement can tie together all the main themes of the essay in a slightly novel or original way and state where current thinking stands. This is your last opportunity to impress the reader/examiner. ‘Go out with a bang rather than a whimper!’

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