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Promoting Social Integration For Adults With Learning And Intellectual Disabilities, Dissertation Proposal, TCD, Ireland

University Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
Subject Promoting Social Integration For Adults With Learning And Intellectual Disabilities

Introduction and background

Social structure plays a significant role in addressing the issue of integrating adults with learning and intellectual disabilities in the society. Human beings live and are surrounded by people in the society, the feeling of being welcomed and embraced is very crucial for normal emotional functioning in life (Flynn & Lemay, 1999).

Recently, a considerable focus has emerged around the theme of special needs facilities and services in Ireland. There is an increasing concern that adults with learning and intellectual disabilities are being disadvantaged, as Bonilla-del-Río, et al., (2022) showcased the higher tendency of low economic success, social groping and inability to compete with peers.  There is an enormous amount of literature recognising the disparity in socio-cultural activities in most societies, which has a considerable impact regarding their peers without disabilities.

However, it has been argued that oftentimes a great deal of attention in inclusion is directed solely on presence, such as in recreational events.

Adults with special disabilities often experience challenges in getting out and about socialising in social activities due to their limitations in social skills. Social integration is a holistic term that encompass beliefs, awareness of inclusion.

The study explores and underlines the fundamental elements contributing to social inclusion of adults with learning and intellectual disabilities. The significant contribution to their welfare and happiness. Also the influence or consequences of societal disapproval (Scorgie & Forlin, 2019).

Social structures determining how individuals are accepted and regarded as worthy of approval are subjects of interests in this study.

Lack of social skills could be linked to recurring challenging behaviours, anxieties and agitations.

The study seeks to undertake advancements in social skills and interventions through critiquing the literature review.

Communication skills and promotion of emotional skills recognition such as recognising visual emotions, the awareness of emotional development, interpretation of self and others’ emotions will be assessed with the aim of promoting social integration of adults with learning and intellectual disabilities (Flynn & Lemay, 1999).

Central to the promotion of social integration in individuals with learning and intellectual disabilities, the following concepts have been instrumental as intervention measures:

Managing and controlling emotional behaviour, coping styles and aggressive behaviours as interventions in order to reduce uneasiness, anxieties and challenging behaviours and increasing goal-directed positivity (Brown, 2015).

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Aims and objectives

The aim of this research project is to critically explore and analyse social integration of adults with learning and intellectual disabilities, as well as focusing on concepts and interventions influencing their societal-exclusion.

The paper seeks to uncover social exclusion experienced by adults with special needs and aims to remedy these problems by analysing the literature review of social inclusion of individuals with special needs.

Social exclusion – although there are different opinions in clarifying the term social exclusion, there appears to be some agreement that it is a concept conveying the downsides relating to some standards of socio-economic activities of certain individuals. Social exclusion generally describes the disadvantage pattern and the influence it has on individuals or communities involved, for example community participation (Rimmerman, 2013).

Social exclusion – naturally humans are quick to respond to

exclusion experiences, these are usually attributed to negative emotional responses such as anger, sadness and occasionally challenging behaviour, these could be targeted at those who were involved in exclusion and could also lead to long-term emotional and personal separation from social interaction. (Scorgie & Forlin, 2019).

This research is essential because there is an increasing concern that some adults with learning and intellectual challenges are being disadvantaged and also that the prevalence of their exclusion from society is growing at an alarming rate. A qualitative approach would be adopted to gain a detailed understanding of social inclusion and to determine the factors affecting it.

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The central research questions are formulated as:

  • What is the meaning of social-integration and how does it impact adults with learning and intellectual disabilities in their communities?
  • What are the key challenges affecting social integration for adults with learning and intellectual disabilities?
  • To what extent does the society exclude adults with learning and intellectual disabilities?

The base structure of the study is underlined by the following key supports, social integration, learning and intellectual disabilities, social exclusion. A considerable amount of literature has been published on social integration for adults with learning and intellectual disabilities. These studies demonstrated practicable integration and focus on factors contributing to holistic inclusion. According to Scior et al. (2020) the stereotypes and stigma associated with intellectual disabilities signal the necessity to unveil the truth by conducting international campaigns to raise awareness instead of promoting inclusion only in the local context.

Fisher et al. (2020) reported that while social integration for adults with learning and intellectual disabilities has many components, it can be seen as a whole. Dismantling barriers, fostering autonomy, challenging stigma and building supportive networks are four aspects to be considered in order to ensure that adults with learning and intellectual disabilities have an unhindered place to participate in and flourish fully within society.

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