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The European Union and Migration – Cooperation, Crises, and Policy challenges

University Dublin City University (DCU)
Subject The Politics of Migration in Europe


A 3,000-Word Research Review Essay

Assignment Overview

You are asked to write a 3,000-word research review essay on a topic of your choice that is related to the module contents (e.g., multiculturalism, migrant integration, border controls, etc.) and following the required structure indicated below.

Please note that the word count excludes footnotes and bibliographical references. However, please use footnotes parsimoniously – think carefully whether the information should rather be included in the main text… or not at all! Please use the Harvard referencing style.

You will identify, synthesize, and critically review in depth THREE recent ACADEMIC sources (i.e., books, journal articles, or book chapters from an edited book) on a specific topic, as well as outlining areas for further research.

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Key Requirements:

  • ‘Recent’ means from 2010 onwards.
  • References should be included throughout the piece. In addition, there should be a list of references at the end of the research review essay. Some other pieces of academic work can also be mentioned (in addition to the three main sources reviewed) and referenced in order to strengthen the key arguments. However, the review essay should strongly focus on the three recent academic sources that have been selected.
  • Sample research review essays are also available on Loop. Students are very encouraged to carefully examine them.

Required Structure of the Research Review Essay

  1. Title
  2. Introduction
    • Background/context
    • Justification for the choice of topic and for the selection of sources
  3. Main Body [Do not use ‘main body’ as a sub-heading; use the main themes or issues that you have identified in the three academic pieces as sub-headings]
    • NOT a source-by-source structure
    • The review must be organized around the themes or issues identified in the literature
    • The aim is to critically review and synthesize these sources on the topic that has been chosen; this is done through:
      • Summarizing the key points made by the sources
      • Comparing and contrasting the sources: how do they differ? Are they in agreement/disagreement? Do they complement each other?
      • Identifying the strengths and limitations of the sources
      • Clearly highlighting the main points emerging from the analysis – what do these sources add to our knowledge of the topic?
      • Outlining a couple of areas for further research
  4. Conclusion
    • Recapping the aims of the assignment and how they have been met
    • Teasing out the broader implications of the findings
  5. References

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The 3 Literature Review Sources:

  • Delegating Responsibility: International Cooperation on Migration in the European Union – Nicholas R. Micinski
  • Europe and the Refugee Response – A Crisis of Values – Izabela Main
  • Failing Forward in EU Migration Policy? EU Integration After the 2015 Asylum and Migration Crisis – Marco Scipioni


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