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PO4108: Critically Reflect on the Relationship between Political Theory and the Struggles of Indigenous Peoples: Multiculturalism and Political Theory Assignment, UoL,

University University of Limerick (UOL)
Subject PO4108: Multiculturalism and Political Theory

Assignment Details:

Your essay should be approximately 3,000 words in length and is worth 60% of your final grade for this module.

Pick an essay topic that is the same as the topic of your group presentation.

Answer one of the following questions:

1. Critically reflect on the relationship between political theory and the struggles of Indigenous peoples for and of freedom.

2. What are the differences and similarities between multiculturalism and postcolonialism as paradigms of political theorizing?

3. ‘Debates around feminism and multiculturalism get quickly polarized because so little attention is paid to this aspect of cultures as riven by internal contestation’ (Seyla Benhabib 2002, p. 103). Discuss this statement, the claim (made by Susan Moller Okin) to which it responds, and the dilemmas and opportunities posed for feminist politics in relation to multiculturalism. Please do so with textual reference to the work of political theorists writing about multiculturalism and gender.

4. ‘Belonging’ or ‘recognition’? Which ideal is best suited to multicultural political communities?

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5. ‘The reason why liberalism does not have a problem with multiculturalism is that liberalism is itself, fundamentally a theory of multiculturalism.’ Critically assess this claim made by Chandran Kukathas (1998), along with the argument of which it is part, with reference to one other approach to multiculturalism you have studied in the course of this module.

6. Explain and critically comment upon Will Kymlicka’s account of ‘societal cultures’ and the distinction he makes between ‘national minorities’ and ‘immigrant’ or ‘ethnic’ groups when it comes to the different kinds of rights they may each be granted in a multicultural polity.

7. What potential ways are there to frame the relation between ‘pluralism’, ‘multiculturalism’ and the ‘nation-state’, that resist funds mentalization and embrace pluralization. Explain these divergent tendencies in the pluralist imagination, with reference explicitly to the work of William E. Connolly and Judith Butler.

8. Multicultural liberal democracies regularly make the case in favor of secularism. ‘Secularism’ as a political value has increasingly come under critical scrutiny by political theorists both within and from outside of the so-called ‘canon’. Critically discuss the relationship between religion and multiculturalism with reference to two theorists studied during this module.

9. Liberalism is historically premised upon the constitutive exclusion of people of color (cf. Uday Mehta, Charles W. Mills, Paul Gilroy). First, expand and explain this argument. Second, what are the implications arising from this claim for multiculturalism and political theory?

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