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AD6801 Employment Law Continuous Assessment- Simon has been employed as a recruitment consultant with Richmond Recruitment Services for the past two years

Simon has been employed as a recruitment consultant with Richmond Recruitment Services for the past two years.   Last week there was an incident in the office when a candidate that Simon had advised
Posted By : Admin | Published at : February 9, 2019
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A number of people who have left your childcare facility, told you that they ‘under-appreciated’ by the line manager

Problem Statement 1: A number of people who have left your childcare facility, told you that they 'under-appreciated' by the line manager. Several of them mentioned the lack positive feedback. In the
Posted By : Admin | Published at : February 8, 2019
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Summarise in 300-400 words the basic daily requirements of a healthy and happy pet dog

Question 1- Summarise in 300-400 words the basic daily requirements of a healthy and happy pet dog. Question 2- Taking into account your current living situation and any other valid factors, if you h
Posted By : Admin | Published at : February 6, 2019
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The key challenges and opportunities facing your particular vocational area

Examine and analyse the key challenges and opportunities facing your particular vocational area. Explore work organisations and career opportunities in your particular vocational area Summarise the ba
Posted By : Admin | Published at : February 2, 2019
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OD001 Financial Management – An explanation and critical assessment of Absorption Costing and Activity Based Costing in applying overheads to products/services

Assignment Topic You have been asked by the Managing Director of Movie Ltd. to prepare a report for the next meeting of the Board of Directors. Your report should address the following issues: a) A
Posted By : Admin | Published at : February 1, 2019
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Essay topics and write an essay referring to relevant research in the area

Choose one of the following essay topics and write an essay referring to relevant research in the area (websites are not to be used for references – use journal articles and books if you can. I will
Posted By : Admin | Published at : February 1, 2019
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Group of international investors to undertake an economic analysis and assessment of a country

You work for the economic consultancy group ‘Carlow Associates’. You have been asked by a group of international investors to undertake an economic analysis and assessment of a country of your cho
Posted By : Admin | Published at : January 31, 2019
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CRN 34461/33219/34467 – Credit Rating Agencies and their major operations within the global financial system

1. Produce a report covering the following issues: (i) Define and describe Credit Rating Agencies and their major operations within the global financial system. Do they satisfy these roles, especiall
Posted By : Admin | Published at : January 31, 2019
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Paul sees a “special offer” on the back of the Irish Times from Pierre, a tour operator advertising a three day trip to Paris

Problem question (Extract from the Annual Exam 2017/2018) Paul sees a “special offer” on the back of the Irish Times from Pierre, a tour operator advertising a three day trip to Paris (departing
Posted By : Admin | Published at : January 30, 2019
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Do research on various Leadership Styles/Theories and do a detailed comparison between two different Theorist’s Leadership styles

Assignment criteria 1,200 words plus or minus 10% - 20% of total marks. All references in Bibliography. Q1. Describe what the word Leadership means. 2.5 marks Q2. Explain how Leadership differs from
Posted By : Admin | Published at : January 3, 2019
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