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PA4018: Select a Case, in Particular, a Policy Decision and Write a Short Paper: Public Policy Process Assignment, UoL

University University of Limerick (UOL)
Subject PA4018: Public Policy Process


Select a case, in particular, a policy decision and write a short paper. Use the headings outlined below to frame the content of your paper.

Note the special edition of Administration Volume 67, Number 2 (2019) on policy success and policy failure. Several cases are outlined. Do not use these specific decisions but you can learn from reading the cases explored in those articles.

A framework for understanding the quality of policy choices

A framework for understanding the quality of policy choices

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What factors influenced policymakers in Ireland and how did those factors impact decision making?

N.B. FORMAT (Use these headings FOR YOUR SHORT PAPER)

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the policy decision?
  3. Why interesting to look at? What influenced the decision?
  4. Conditions in terms of drivers (‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors and the wider context of the policy area
  5. Policy Making and Political Leadership Context
  6. Who are the major actors?
  7. Successes and failures:







  1. Conclusion: Outcomes /  Building on success or failure?
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