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MNU11013 Reflective Practice: Nursing / Midwifery Students’ Reflection on a Communication Experience in Clinical Placement Using Gibbs Model of Reflection (1988)

University University of Dunlin (UOD)
Subject MNU11013 Foundation For Professional Practice

The aim of this assignment is twofold:

  1. To facilitate students to critically reflect on their communication technique and the communication skills they used when interacting with a person in their care (woman/patient/client/service user/family member) in order to further develop their communication skills.
  2. To provide the student with an opportunity to practise and receive feedback on their literature searching and referencing skills.

This is achieved through a 1500-word written assignment.

Reflection Guidelines (Weighting 70%)

  1. You are asked to consider an interaction/communication experience with a person from your most recent practice placement, which can be either an individual you were caring for or a family member.
  2. You are expected to complete the Reflection Sheet (Appendix 1) after the interaction with the person and submit it with your assignment.
  3. You are expected to complete the reflection sheet as soon as possible after the encounter to assist you in your reflection and assignment.
  4. The headings from the Gibbs reflective cycle (1988) (Appendix 2) should be used to structure your assignment.
  5. Positive or negative interactions can be used and reflected on using the Gibbs (1988) Model of Reflection.
  6. In the analysis of the scenario, identify your strengths and areas requiring further development in an honest and searching way. This will help you to identify strengths or weaknesses in your communication skills and identify areas for self-improvement.
  7. You are advised to begin preparation for the written assignment either before or immediately after the interaction/communication experience.
  8. Using the reflection sheet (Appendix 1), a reflection of 1500 words on the interaction and focusing on the communication skills and techniques used must be written.
  9. You must make reference to at least three pertinent literature sources (see section ‘searching the literature’ below). APA 7th edition Referencing System must be used when referencing these sources (See School of Nursing and Midwifery Referencing Guidelines available within the module content on Blackboard).
  10. This assignment may be written in the first person.
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  11. Individual/patient/family member anonymity is essential in order to be considered for a pass grade. No person, service provider, or service delivery location should be identifiable. Use pseudonyms for patients/clients. Also, use generic terms when referring to professionals and practice locations in this assignment (e.g., Dr A., Nurse A., physiotherapist, hospital, health centre, residential centre, workshop).

Searching the Literature (Weighting 30%)

Students must present a written account of their CINAHL search in their assignment (maximum 250 words, this is included in the overall word count of 1500). The student is expected to search for articles specific to midwifery or nursing discipline in the CINAHL database, limited to the last five years. Articles cited in lectures can also be used, particularly concerning reflection. Students are strongly advised to attend library skills tutorials within the module to assist them with learning how to do an effective literature search. A Panopto video of how to do a literature search is also available within the module content on Blackboard.

This literature search account must include the following:

  • The identification of search terms, the limits used, and the number of articles found.
  • A summary of how the search was conducted.
  • A printout of the search history must be included in the appendix.
  • Students must writein complete sentences; there should be no bullet points or lists used.
  • Suggest search structure and terms.
  • If, for example, your reflection is about an exploration of your experience as a student nurse or student midwife of a non-verbal communication encounter in a clinical setting, your CINAHL search might be structured as follows.
    ▪ Concept 1: pick one:
    • Nurses OR nurse
    • Midwife OR midwives
    ▪ Concept 2:
    • Non-verbal communication
    ▪ Concept 3:
    • Experiences
    • Limit to last 5 years.
    • Limit to peer reviewed

Suggested Layout of Assignment

  • 50 words
  • Search strategy: 250 words
  • Reflection: approx. 1000 words
  • Conclusion: approx. 100 words
  • References: 3 relevant references
  • Appendices: completed reflection sheet & CINAHL search history (both must
    be included)

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Appendix 1:

Reflection Sheet to be submitted as an Appendix to the assignment.

Dimension of Assessment

Criteria for Assessment Achieved Not Achieved Comment
Appropriately prepared self and environment for the interaction
Introduced self and greeted person appropriately
Approached person in a professional and confident manner
Gained consent at outset of interaction
Ensured person is comfortable and ready for the interaction
Purpose of the interaction was made clear to the person
Interpersonal Skills
Physical Behaviour
Physical behaviour was appropriate
Appropriate posture was adopted
Posture was relaxed
Appropriately leaned towards the person
Eye contact was appropriate
Active Listening
Gave person time to reply
Identified and responded to person’s verbal and non-verbal cues
Used non-verbal communication (head nods, facial expression) to convey interest
Sought clarification if necessary
Made reference to elements of the person’s conversation where/when necessary
Verbal Responses and Questions
Appeared genuine
Verbal responses were sensitive and non-judgemental
Verbal responses were appropriate
Verbal responses were professional, sensitive, empathetic, and non-judgemental
Verbal responses were supportive
Used open and closed questions
Language was clear and understandable
Information given was appropriate
Voice and Manner
Voice was clear and tone was appropriate
Volume was appropriate
Responded appropriately to changing needs of the person during interaction
Body language was open, responsive, and non-judgemental
Brought interaction to a close in an appropriate and satisfactory way
Self Awareness
Honest with person regarding own level of knowledge and experience
Offered appropriate alternatives for information/support if required by person
Critical Thinking
Recorded/reported significant elements of interaction as appropriate
Reflected on interaction
Acknowledged strengths and limitations and recognises areas for further development

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Appendix 2 Gibbs (1988) Model of Reflection

MNU11013, 2 Gibbs (1988) Model of Reflection

Description – What happened?
Feelings – What were you thinking and feeling?
Evaluation – What was good and bad about the experience?
Analysis – What sense can you make of the situation?
Conclusion – What else could you have done?
Action Plan – If it arose again, what would you do?

Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods.
Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

Marking criteria

MNU11013 Marking criteria
MNU11013 Marking criteria

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