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MI4101: Antibiotics are Used to Clear Bacterial Infections but may have Unintended: Host Microbe Interactions Assignment, NUI,

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject MI4101: Host Microbe Interactions

Section A

Q1. Answer parts (a) and (b):

(a) Antibiotics are used to clear bacterial infections but may have unintended negative consequences. In terms of the gastrointestinal tract, detail an example of a negative consequence of antibiotic treatment with an explanation of how it occurred. Suggest a treatment to resolve this negative consequence and provide a justification.

(b) Carefully study the figure of experimental data and information provided below to answer the following question. The data below are generated using a wild type (WT) mouse model. What effect is the inhibitor Neu5Ac2en having on host health? Briefly include the reasoning behind your interpretation(s).

Antibiotics are used to clear bacterial infections but may have unintended negative

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Q2. Answer parts (a) and (b):

(a) Discuss in detail one example each of microbe-microbe interactions that are (i) commensal, (ii) mutualistic and (iii) parasitic. One of these examples includes a detailed explanation of the effect of the microbial relationship on the host.

(b) Carefully study the figure of experimental data and information provided below to answer the following question. Based on this data, explain what effect the various treatments are having on Campylobacter jejuni infection and on the host response. Briefly include the reasoning behind your interpretation(s).

Discuss in detail one example each of microbe-microbe interactions that are

Section B

Q3. Describe the major mechanisms of biofilm expressed by clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Include in your answer the impact of methicillin susceptibility on the biofilm phenotype and why biofilms are associated with chronic infections and antibiotic treatment failures.

Q4. Describe the major immune evasion strategies utilised by Staphylococcus aureus during infection.

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