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Supply Chain Simulation – Demand, Safety Stock & Service Levels

University Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Subject Logistics and Supply Chain Management


  1. Choose one of the wholesalers
  2. Choose Service level (SL)
  3. Evaluate Safety Stock taking into account the demand uncertainty (estimate demand during lead time)
  4. Provide calculations and explanation
  5. Run a simulation experiment and observe the SL
  6. Explain simulation results

Problem solution

The simulation tool is Excel. You can solve this task in the PC class after the break.

Number of simulated lead time periods – 500
Random demand simulation using
=randbetween(min,max) function

  1. Simulate daily demand d for three particular days
  2. Calculate demand at lead time DL for L=3 as a sum of three independent daily demand values
  3. Repeat the calculations 500 times
  4. Design a histogram of DL
  5. Evaluate the safety stock for 95% SL

Histogram creation from simulated data

Simulation results

Simulation number Demand at Wholesaler
First day Second day Third day Demand at Lead Time (sum of all)
1 19 16 28 63
2 20 23 15 58
3 17 26 23 66
4 20 20 15 55
5 18 24 23 65
6 14 21 17 52
7 22 24 18 64
8 21 24 16 61
9 25 13 13 51
10 14 14 23 51
11 22 14 12 48
min DL = 38, max DL = 82
Average DL = 58.6,
DL standard deviation
σDL = 8.03
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Histogram creation from simulated data

Data table (may be created using EXCEL array function Frequency or Data Analysis tool Histogram):

Bin Lower bound Upper bound Number of DL observations Histogram of simulated DL
Demand at leadtime
1 36 40 6 0.012
2 40 44 11 0.022
3 44 48 31 0.062
4 48 52 66 0.132
5 52 56 91 0.182
6 56 60 91 0.182
7 60 64 86 0.172
8 64 68 61 0.122
9 68 72 36 0.072
10 72 76 14 0.028
11 76 80 5 0.01
12 80 84 2 0.004

Histogram of simulated DL

Safety stock as a percentage of lead-time demand

Average DL = 58.6, DL standard deviation = 8.03

Service level agreement is 95% (0.95 probability that the ordered goods are available at stock)

Estimated analysing simulation results Safety stock (SS) 17,
i.e. ~4.2% of DL values are larger than average + SS (or 58.6 + 17).

Calculated assuming that our DL is normally distributed

SS = z·σ = 1.64·8.03 = 13.2 ≈ 13



Factory warehouse Distribution center W1 W2 W3
Warehouse capacity 4000 1000 200 200 200
Initial inventory 2000 200 50 20 20
Transportation time L 8 3 3 3
Backorder No No Yes
Backorder cost 4.5
Fixed order costs Ca (administrative costs) 700 40 40 40
Holding costs (per day) Ch 0 0.75 1 1 1
Holding costs (Overstock) 0 1.5 2 2 2
Average demand D 20 6 5
Costs of goods sold/price 72 115 115 115
Trucks 2 5
Truck capacity 260 100
Truck costs 18 5
Fixed period costs (per day) 70

A Supply Chain Simulator. Dayly Demand

A Supply Chain Simulator. Dayly Demand

  • Demand per Period (Day)
    W1 Uniform between 12 and 28
    W2 Uniform between 4 and 8
    W3 Uniform between 1 and 9
  • Client 1
  • Client 2
  • Client 3

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A Supply Chain Simulator Safety. Stock

  1. Choose one of the wholesalers
  2. Choose Service level (SL)
  3. Evaluate Safety Stock taking into account the demand uncertainty (*estimate demand during lead time)
  4. Provide calculations and explanation
  5. Run a simulation experiment and observe the SL
  6. Explain simulation results
  7. Provide your individual report with conclusions in ORTUS by the next lesson

A SUPPLY CHAIN SIMULATOR. Demand during lead time

Estimate demand during lead time:

  1. Demand during lead time (DL) is a random variable with unknown distribution function;
  2. Lead time is known and is constant;
  3. Reorder period and Lead time are not the same and may be different.
  4. DL distribution function can be estimated theoretically or by Excel simulation; Use the distribution from the previous practical assignment “Safety Stock”
  5. To use the calculations provided in the lecture we need to confirm that DL is a normally distributed random variable;
  6. For safety stock calculation we need the mean value of DL and the demand standard deviation σDL;
  7. After Safety Stock calculation we need to formulate the strategy principles for implementation with the SC simulator to provide the necessary SL.

Average DL = 58.6, DL standard deviation = 8.03

Service level agreement is 95% (0.95 probability that the ordered goods are available at stock)

Estimated analysing simulation results Safety stock (SS)
≈ 17, i.e. ≈ 4.2% of DL values are larger than average
+ SS (or 58.6+17).

Calculated assuming that our DL is normally distributed

SS = z · σ = 1.64 · 8.03 = 13.2 ≈ 13

Standard Normal distribution

Z ∼ N(μ, σ) = N(0,1)
Standard Normal distribution

Excel function = NORM.DIST(z value, 0, 1, FALSE)

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