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The Impact and Effectiveness of Leadership and Management in Organisational Performance

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject Leadership and management


The Written Assignment essay should be completed after the course, once all sessions have been completed. Please check the course details for the exact submission date.

The goal of the essay is to demonstrate how you are thinking about putting course concepts, models, tools and practices in your context to demonstrate the course learning outcomes:

– Apply models that describe organisations, and approaches to Leadership and Management

– Plan for people management issues as they relate to performance in an organisation

– Anticipate consequences of a range of management decisions and approaches

– Create a personal leadership development plan by reflecting on your leadership journey

– Demonstrate the ability to express a personal management strategy and rationale. The essay should contain

approximately 3,000 words.

The title is “The Impact and Effectiveness of Leadership and Management in My Organisation”.

How You Will Be Assessed

The following rubric describes how the essay will be assessed:


Criteria Distinction Merit Pass Unsatisfactory Clear Fail
Use of models and approaches to describing organisations Demonstrates strong ability to insightfully apply management models to real-life contexts, with an excellent level of detail and originality. Able to apply management models to real-life contexts in a relevant way, with a good level of analysis. Adequate use of management models in description of organisations, with some good analysis. Response is partial or tangential. Requires greater depth, level of detail, and discussion. Little evidence of ability to use or apply management models in analysis.
Understanding of people management and planning issues Demonstrates strong ability to apply learning from the course to anticipate and counter problems, and optimise performance. Plans are actionable, refined, detailed, and appropriate. Able to apply learning from course analytically, and suggest and describe actions to address a range of anticipated problems. Makes adequate use of course learning to describe an approach to people management and planning that is generally effective. Inadequate application of course learning in discussing practical organizational issues. Little evidence of ability to apply key course concepts in practice.
Anticipation of consequences of management decisions Demonstrates strong ability to apply learning from the course to anticipate and counter problems, and optimise performance. Able to apply learning from course analytically, and suggest and describe actions to address a range of anticipated problems. Makes adequate use of course learning to describe an approach to management that is generally effective. Inadequate application of course learning in anticipating issues. Lacks level of detail required. Little evidence of ability to apply key course concepts in practice.
Reflection on own experience, practice, and professional development Very insightful and informed throughout, original, personalised, and with excellent use of relevant leadership examples. A very good level of reflection on one’s own personal traits and patterns of behaviour, and how this affects leadership. Adequate level of reflection on one’s own personal traits and/or patterns of behaviour, and how this affects leadership. Tends towards surface description and may lack originality. Very little evidence of self-reflection discernible in the response.

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Additional Guidance

Applying models, describing plans and anticipating issues can only be done in a specific context. For this essay, you must choose to write about your current organisation, or one you worked for in the past.

There is also an element of reflection in the essay. You can take various valid approaches here. One of them is to write a separate section that covers the reflective and personal plan part (column 4 of the rubric). Another approach is to cover all areas in parallel through your narrative. Either way, keep the four columns of the rubric in mind when writing, and ensure you are covering them. You can include references to your Activity Log where required, and this is a strategy that may help find balance in addressing all areas.

A suggested layout of the essay:

1. Introduction. This should include a brief background to the organisation and may address structure, culture, size, etc.

2. Leadership and organisational performance: describe and analyse the prevailing management and leadership style in the chosen organisation and include reference to theories and or models to support their assertions.

3. Issues and consequences relating to Leadership and Management approaches. Following on from the section on leadership styles, you can address the key issues and consequences related to the chosen leadership and management style, and its impact on the organisation, citing examples and or theories/models to support their assertions.

4. Possible Solutions/ Recommendations

5. Conclusion

6. References/ Bibliography

Any quotes from external sources should be properly referenced. Choose a referencing style and use it consistently. Poor referencing may affect your grade, and lack of referencing makes the integrity of your entire assessment questionable. We recommend that you use the Harvard Referencing Style, which is well documented in the UCD Library pages:

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