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Last Thursday as Michael was exiting a shop called JJ’s Menswear Ltd he was rugby tackled to the ground by a security guard: Law Assignment, UOL, Ireland

University University of Limerick (UOL)
Subject Law

You are an intern in a Solicitor’s office and have been asked to take a look at two cases that have come into the office and undertake the tasks below for review by the Associate Solicitor who is your Supervisor. Your Supervisor requires the information to be presented in the form of an essay using Font 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing and referenced as per the Harvard System with the use of a Bibliography and case law referenced by Name and Year. The two cases are:

(a) Last Thursday as Michael was exiting a shop called JJ’s Menswear Ltd he was rugby tackled to the ground by a security guard, employed by the shop, and then forced against his will into Manager’s office at the back of the shop and detained there for 30 minutes until the Manager came back from lunch. Eventually, when the Manager returned from lunch he had Michael released accepting that he had not shoplifted. Michael feels both mortified and angry as the shop was full at the time of the incident. He has threatened to sue the shop. JJ Menswear Ltd seeks advice in relation to the matter,

(b) Richard is a music teacher and teaches the trumpet from his apartment in Campus Court in Ashtown. Margaret bought the apartment under him during the summer, from an elderly deaf lady who has gone into a nursing home. Margaret is really annoyed because the trumpet lessons started in September and go on to a late hour.

She spoke to Richard and threatened him with the court but he merely replied that he has been giving lessons from his apartment for the last 12 years and he is not going to stop. Margaret was very annoyed and flounced off, muttering, half under her breath, “we will see how you and your students like heavy metal CDs at full blast ”. Richard is worried Margaret may either retaliate or take him to court and seeks advice in relation to the entire matter.

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