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Imagine you are on the management board of a large company and you are responsible for the strategic direction of your company in Ireland: Management Report, ICD, Ireland

University Independent Colleges Dublin (ICD)
Subject Management


Imagine you are on the management board of a large company and you are responsible for the strategic direction of your company in Ireland. You should choose a large company in one of the following sectors of the Irish economy. The company should have its head offices here in Ireland.

• Telecommunications (Phone and/or Broadband)
• Grocery Retail
• Clothes Retail
• Energy (Domestic supplier)

Write a professionally structured report which you intend to share with your CEO covering the following areas. (You will need to research your company and its industry in order to complete this report.)

1. Brief Executive Summary of your whole report, highlighting key points

2. Analyze of the external environment of your company the under the following headings:

General environment:
• Social
• Cultural
• Demographic
• Political
• Economic
• Technological
Business environment:
• Industry
• Competition
• Consumer demands

3. Analysis of the current key strategies of your organization

4. Identify and analyse of four changes in the external environment, which you already discussed in part 2., which have the potential to affect your company (positively or negatively).

5. Make clear recommendation for changes to the company’s current strategies (which you listed in 3.) to respond to the four changes you listed in 4. Make a strong argument for each of these changes, about why they are the best actions for your organisation.

6. Outline the changes you will likely need to make internally in your organisation so that your organisation can make the changes in strategy you have proposed in 5.

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