How Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise can help resolve some of the problems created by Capitalism
There is significant talk around the world on how Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise can help resolve some of the problems created by Capitalism. It is viewed as a transformational model of social change (Mair and Marti, 2006) often progressed through a mission driven venture (Brinckerhoff, 2000).
Despite an overwhelmingly encouraging perspective, there is now new emerging research that exposes some of the shortcomings of SEs (Banerjee and Jackson, 2016). On the basis of your learnings and discussions throughout the module as well the Masters program, identify and elaborate on two shortcomings that SEs suffer from, and simultaneous concrete solutions that SEs could borrow from traditional for-profit entrepreneurship to improve and strengthen their functioning. Your answer should be well informed by debates in the field. The claims you make should be suitably backed by well-researched evidence/examples from academia and/or industry. Submission Guidelines Although the references below present some relevant articles you could draw upon, there are not sufficient. Therefore, you should do your own research and study towards reflecting and solving the question above. You could draw from academic as well as industry sources. While you may explicitly draw on the course readings, you are encouraged to refer to other readings from other courses, personal readings – as you feel appropriate. The assignment is meant to stimulate your critical thinking.
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