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Harding Ltd Manufactures, Installs and Maintains Eco-Friendly Heating: Corporate Finance Assignment, ITC,

University Institute of Technology Carlow (ITC)
Subject Corporate Finance

Assignment Details:

Harding Ltd manufactures, installs and maintains Eco-Friendly Heating Systems for hotels. Their most recent financial statements are set out below:

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2019
Non-Current Assets
Plant and Equipment 832.80
Motor Vehicles 279.90
Current Assets
Inventories 439.80
Trade Receivables 765.45
Cash at Bank 27.60
Total Assets 2345.55
€1.50 Ordinary Shares 600.00
General Reserve 78.30
Retained Earnings 570.30
Non – Current Liabilities
12% Loan Notes 375.00
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 625.95
Tax 96.00
Total Equity and Liabilities 2345.55
Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2019
Revenue 7811.70
Operating Profit 813.00
Interest 45.00
Profit Before Tax 768.00
Tax at 25% 192.00
Profit After Tax 576.00

Continued on next page


A dividend of €230,400 was proposed and paid during the year. The business wishes to invest in more plant and equipment in order to cope with an expected increase in demand. Additional operating profit (profit before interest and tax) of €180,000 per year is expected if an investment of €600,000 is made in plant and equipment.

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The directors are considering an offer from a private equity firm to finance the proposed expansion. The finance will be made available immediately through either :

  1. An issue of €1.50 ordinary shares at a premium on the nominal value of €2.50 per share, or
  2. An issue of €600,000 10% loan notes at nominal value.

The directors wish to maintain the same dividend payout ratio in future years as in past years, whichever method of finance is chosen.

The company uses simple payback to evaluate capital investment projects such as the one proposed. Included in the projected increase in operating profit of €180,000 in depreciation per year of €30,000. The company considers capital investment projects with a payback period of fewer than 3 years to be worthwhile.


Prepare a report for the board of Harding Limited. The report should address all of the requirements raised.

Report Requirements

  1. For each of the financing schemes:
    1. Prepare a projected income statement for the year ended 31 Dec 2020.
    2. Calculate the projected earnings per share for the year ended 31 Dec 2020.
    3. Calculate the projected level of gearing as at 31 December 2020
  2. Assess both the financing schemes under consideration from the viewpoint of the existing shareholders.
  3. Calculate the level of operating profit (profit before interest and taxation) at which the earnings per share under each of the financing schemes will be the same,
  4. Calculate the payback period for the project proposed.

Advise the company on the weaknesses of simple payback and why they should consider using the net present value as a more robust method to evaluate capital investment projects.

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