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EN303: Discuss The Ways In Which The Form Of Anyone Or Two Texts Communicates: Experimental Forms Assignment, MU, Ireland

University Maynooth University (MU)
Subject EN303: Experimental Forms

Please choose ONE question to attend particularly to the connections between experimental form and socio-political themes and contexts:

1-Discuss the ways in which the form of anyone or two texts communicates the trauma of the forcibly displaced narrator and/or characters.

2-Examine metaphors and any tropes/imagery used by the writers of any one or two texts to describe border-crossing as a life/death experience in the context of forced displacement.

3-Engage with anyone or two texts (particularly by Blasim and Boochani) within the framework of the environmental humanities. What is the significance of the centrality of the natural environment in these literary representations of journeys across border scapes? You may address aspects of “nightmare realist” and “horrific surrealist” imaginings of vulnerability, relationality, and freedom of movement, inspired by environmental models.

4-Consider the ways in which anyone or two texts tackle(s) the importance of storytelling and its ethical/political dimensions with respect to the representation of the crisis of refuge.

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5-Address, in any one or two texts, the role of the narrative form (vignettes, framing devices, juxtaposition, etc) in suggesting border-defying forms of relationality and solidarity (and/or their failures).

6-Discuss the significance of instances of anthropomorphizing the other-than-human and/or the representation of zoomorphism/zoo political practices in any one or two texts. What are their implications in the framework of a human-rights-orientated approach to the texts?

7-Exit West begins in an unnamed city that initially provides refuge for the displaced then becomes a war-torn location from which people are forced to flee. The narrative then follows Nadia and Saeed’s journey through Mykonos, London, and California while referencing other sites across the vignettes. What are the implications of this mapping?

8- Blasim and Boochani defamiliarise perspectives on shame, “bare life” and madness through the use of experimental form. Focusing on one or more of these effects/concepts/motifs, engage with the techniques and implications of this defamiliarisation by means of specific close readings.

9-“Dismembering” is a key narrative and metaphorical element of the “nightmare realist” representation of the experience of forced displacement in Blasim’s work. Discuss in relation to both “Ali’s Bag” and “The Truck to Berlin”.

10-Consider the use of poetic techniques in No Friend But the Mountains. In what ways does the irruption of the poetic in the prose expand the political-philosophical perspectives presented on the “kyriarchal” practices of the border-industrial complex/detention regime, refugee resistance and/or sanctuary?

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