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Effective At Creating A Work Environment Where People Collaborate: Work Experience – Administration Personal Reflection, CIT, Ireland

University Cork Institute Of Technology (CIT)
Subject Work Experience - Administration

Skills Audit

Please answer all questions in this audit. There are 48 questions, split into 8 groups. Read each question and tick the value which you feel is most appropriate. Each answer has a point value:

  • Strongly Agree 4
  • Agree 3
  • Disagree 2
  • Disagree Strongly 1

Add up your scores for each section and then add these together at the end.

High-Performance Attitude 1 2 3 4
1 Effective at creating a work environment where people collaborate o o o
2 Sets high standards of performance o o o
3 Rewards exceptional performance o o o
4 Identifies when standards fall below required levels o o o
5 Establishes clear priorities o o o
6 Establishes robust processes which focus on the most important activities o o o
Influencing Skills 1 2 3 4
7 Generates momentum and communicates direction to the team o o o
8 Manages risks and issues well o o o
9 Ensures quality standards are maintained o o o
10 Build rapport with colleagues and stakeholders o o o
11 Manages perceptions and expectations of managers o o o
12 Appropriately promotes achievements of staff o o o
Communication 1 2 3 4
13 Effective at letters and report writing o o o
14 Effective at phone communications o o o
15 Skilled at making presentations o o o
16 Effectively uses email and memo communications o o o
17 Strong interpersonal skills o o o
18 Good customer relations skills o o o

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Teamwork 1 2 3 4
19 Works well as part of a team o o o
20 Ensures the team understands what is to be achieved o o o
21 Is sensitive to the roles of other team members o o o
22 Is effective at participating in team meetings o o o
23 Encourages a culture of mutual respect o o o
24 Happy to lead a team if the opportunity presents itself o o o
Organisation Skills 1 2 3 4
25 Good time management skills o o o
26 Well organized o o o
27 Demonstrates abilities in managing complex tasks o o o
28 Good minute taker o o o
29 Good documentation skills o o o
30 Strong diary skills o o o


Attitude 1 2 3 4
31 Shows an interest in the job o o o
32 Has a can-do attitude o o o
33 Does not give up easily o o o
34 Contributes to workplace enjoyment o o o
35 Has a professional approach to the role o o o
36 Promotes diversity o o o

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Initiative 1 2 3 4
37 Takes the lead o o o
38 Challenges the status quo o o o
39 Develops a vision for the future o o o
40 Inspires others to act o o o
41 Gets ‘buy–in’ from others to get things done o o o
42 Creates a sense of ‘urgency’ when appropriate o o o
Adaptability 1 2 3 4
43 Encourages people to try new things o o o
44 Is willing to take on new responsibilities o o o
45 Encourages new ideas o o o
46 Is comfortable with new technology o o o
47 Uses new technology to the benefit of the organisation o o o
48 Pays attention to market trends and customer feedback o o o
Grand Total: 150

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