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EDC306: Document a child’s learning trajectory through either the use of a Learning Story: Curriculum Pedagogy Assignment, MU, Ireland

University Maynooth University (MU)
Subject EDC306: Curriculum Pedagogy

Option A:

Document a child’s learning trajectory through either the use of a Learning Story or an Eportfolio.  With reference to current theory, research, and practice, critically evaluate this process.

Your assignment should consider:

  • Implications for the child and the family
  • The educator’s role in the process
  • The efficacy of the means of documentation
  • Implications for current practice
  • Children as reflective decision-makers


Option B:

Discuss the benefits and challenges of the use of Learning Stories and Eportfolios as a method of documenting children’s learning. With reference to current theory, research, and practice, critically evaluate these methods.

Your assignment should consider:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of both methods of documentation
  • How children’s agency is reflected in both
  • How family and community can be reflected in both
  • Which, if either, would be more beneficial to your current practice? Why?

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