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EC2016 : Is the following statement true or false: in the Monty Hall problem, when a participant is asked if they wish to switch doors: Economic Assignment, MU, Ireland

University Maynooth University (MU)
Subject EC2016: Economic

Q1.  Is the following statement true or false: in the Monty Hall problem, when a participant is asked if they wish to switch doors, after their original choice and the revelation of new information, they have a 33% chance, on average, that switching doors will result in a loss.

Q2.  Is the following statement true or false: In a once-off and standard Acquiring a Company Game a positive offer that is accepted has a 33% chance on average of returning a profit to the buyer.

Q3.  Is the following statement true or false: the equilibrium bid in a repeated Acquiring a Company Game is zero, but in a repeated game it is half the expected value plus any gain from trade.

Q4.  Is the following statement true or false: A full unraveling equilibrium is an exception rather than a rule in markets with information problems.

Q5. Is the following statement true or false: A partial unraveling equilibrium will always follow a downward monotonic pattern.

Q6. Is the following statement true or false: A winner’s curse cannot be identified in first-price sealed bid auction for a private value good.

Q7. Is the following statement true or false: The Acquiring a Company Game is a test of the assumption of buyer rationality as per the Akerlof (1970) model.

Q8.  Is the following statement true or false: A phishing equilibrium is a bad equilibrium and an irrational outcome in markets.

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