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Critically assess the development of the rights of children with special needs in Irish Law using only the following source materials: Law Essay, UCD, Ireland

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject Law

Critically assess the development of the rights of children with special needs in Irish Law using only the following source materials.

1. O’ Donoghue v Minister for Health [1996] 1 IR 20

2. C.M. v HSE [2021] IECA 283.

3. Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act, 2004

4. Disability Act, 2005 5. Arduin,

5., Implementing Disability Rights in Education in Ireland: An Impossible Task [2013] 36 DULJ 93.

6. Whyte, J., Constitutional Litigation and Disability Rights. [2012] 48(2) The Irish Jurist 303. 7. O’Mahony C. The Right to Education and Constitutional Appropriate Provision.

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