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Chloe is an 18-year-old girl who has recently suffered a traumatic head injury following a road traffic accident: Human Growth and Development Case Study, OC, Ireland

University The Open College (OC)
Subject Human Growth and Development

Chloe is an 18-year-old girl who has recently suffered a traumatic head injury following a road traffic accident. Chloe had recently completed school through to junior cert year; when she left school to complete an apprenticeship in hairdressing. She found the school and learning very difficult and did not enjoy her school years.

She often found herself falling behind at school and so was happy to leave at the age of 16. Since leaving school, she has moved out from her family home which she had shared with her parents and 2 siblings. Her parents were very disappointed and angry at her decision to leave school and her subsequent decision to leave home.

They felt that she was following the influence of her friends. They had wanted Chloe to go to college. Her relationship with her parents is now very fractious with each party feeling misunderstood. Since leaving home, she had made many good friends, enjoyed a very active social life, and was doing well in her apprenticeship. She enjoyed the freedom that living away from her parents had brought to her. She had joined many new clubs, was experimenting with many different foods, and just recently started a relationship.

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