Cece is a small four-year-old girl who seems confined to her wheelchair. The only time you notice Cece out of the chair: Special Needs Observation Assignment, OC, Ireland
University | The Open College (OC) |
Subject | Special Needs Observation |
Cece is a small four-year-old girl who seems confined to her wheelchair. The only time you notice Cece out of the chair is when she is being propped up on a potty, or when it is rest time and she is laying down. You are unsure of her diagnosis you only know that you have overheard her support worker talking
to the Head Supervisor about global delays. When Cece’s mother arrives at the end of the day, she hovers over her daughter and seems to treat her like a baby – from wiping her face, calling her baby, and patting her bottom to check her diaper. You are reminded of your sister – whose baby is actually a baby at 3 months of age.
Occasionally the daycare hosts Special Needs, Practicum students. The last time there was one you recall that the student unbuckled Cece’s foot from the wheelchair at circle time. When the other children were singing Cece was moving her feet and her body. The same student gave Cece a puppet, and somehow Cece pulled the puppet onto her hand.
You are surprised to note that, although the support worker was aware of these developments, there has been no change in Cece’s regular services. She sits in her wheelchair and is occasionally moved to another part of the room, remaining in the chair. Sometimes the support worker gives Cece a toy to hold;
sometimes. When the toy falls to the floor the worker puts it away and then Cece has nothing to hold on to.
What you observe about Cece:
- Cece does not speak. You do not recall ever hearing her say anything.
- She smiles a lot and moves her head towards the children especially when the children are laughing and engaged in active play.
- Cece does not reach very far for toys but will hold onto anything you put in her hands, though eventually, these falls.
- Cece is not toilet trained and does not dress or undress. Her mother hangs her backpack up when she arrives. The support worker does everything for Cece.
- Cece does not walk, nor does she use the standing frame that was purchased for her. You have only seen Cece lay down on her bed – never on the floor. You do notice that, before she falls asleep, Cece likes to wiggle on her mat.
- You have never seen Cece involved in art activities, though you believe it is because the support worker does not want to clean Cece up.
- The only sound you hear from Cece is laughter. You have noticed that Cece cries very little. She smiles a lot when she sees her family, and one of the boys, Carter.
- Cece seems to enjoy listening to music, and once – during circle time – the Educator had children listening to sounds and guessing what they are. They seemed to really interest Cece.
- Because Cece is not seated, close enough to the table where the table toys and games are you could not say if she would build anything, play any of the game, or if she counts. She seems to have very limited opportunities.
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Carter is a three-year-old who just started. He had been at the same infant/ toddler daycare since he was six months old with another child who also just started. On his first day, you noticed that Carter showed how frightened he was by trying to fit himself into the bottom of his cubby. He has been screaming in an ear-piercing way since 11 am, and soon it is going to be naptime. You wonder if you should call his mom or grandma.
While the children are outside you ask Carter if he would like to climb on the climber. He screams even louder at you and then runs up the slide. You notice that he run up so fast – with confidence and ability. You wish you could do that, and you say it out loud. Carter overhears you. He turns around and looks. He
looks for about a minute – and it felt like the longest minute of your life. He slides down the slide, and – looking at you – he runs up the slide. He does that for the rest of the time the children are outside.
His grandmother mostly brings in Carter though occasionally by his mother. On these days, you see a different kind of tension within Carter. When they come in the door, you can hear her yelling at him to hurry, he is keeping her waiting. You also notice that when she leaves he spits something into the garbage can. When you look, you see that it is 3 mint tic tacs. Your co-worker says that the mother gives them to Carter so he will get in the car and that otherwise, he will run away down the street. You do have some concerns.
What you observe about Carter:
- You feel that Carter is almost gifted when it comes to gross motor activities. He can run, jump and climb as well as any of the five-year-olds. You never see him fall down or walk into things.
- Carter can stay at an activity for a very long time, but you are sometimes concerned because he gets so frustrated when one of his creations does not do what he wants with it and he screams and screams.
- Carter’s creations astound you. You never realized that a three-year-old could be so creative, and such a critical thinker. However, it seems to come at a price. Carter is a solitary constructor.
- Carter does not want other children around him. He holds his hand up and shouts stop if anyone gets near him. He loves storytime and listening to stories, but he cannot seem to settle when other children sit beside or near him.
- Carter dresses very well, but his clothes are very ill-fitting – too big or too small. His grandmother has said that these are what he wants to wear.
- Carter seems to exist on air as you rarely see him eating.
- He wants to be first.
- He is rarely physically affectionate, but sometimes he looks at you and whispers, “I love you.”
- Carter has a skin condition that requires him to go to the doctor every 4 months and get something removed. You want to know more about this, but are afraid that the answer will be upsetting. You also are not sure that you want to ask Carter’s grandmother about something like this.
- You notice that occasionally Carter covers his ears when the volume of the room seems a bit loud. You find it a bit ironic as Carter himself is a loud child.
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