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HORT 30040- Landscape Management Plan for Agriculture Building, Belfield| Semester 2025

University University College Dublin (UCD)
Subject : HORT 30040 – Landscape Management


You are asked to prepare a Landscape Management Plan to manage all the landscaped areas immediately adjacent to the Agriculture Building, Belfield. The landscaped areas have been subdivided into zones, and the landscape management plan should include the appropriate management for each zone highlighted on the map. The paved areas and steps are excluded from the plan. A brief description of each zone follows.

Site Map:

HORT 30040 – Landscape Management: Site map

Zone 1

Includes the border at the entrance to the building, which has recently been completely replanted. Three new beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees have been planted along with Amalanchier arborea, Viburnum opulus and Ailanthus altissima. The scheme here has been underplanted with a ground cover of ivy (Hedera helix). There have also been several bulbs planted. The Management Plan needs to include the management of this border as well as the introduction of new planting with an emphasis on pollinator-friendly species,  which have an interest in the two main teaching trimesters – autumn and spring. Specify suitable plant material for inclusion in this border, including the number of plants and trees, and tree specification. You can use your knowledge of trees and plants of winter and spring interest.

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Zone 2

This border has had 2/3 mature trees removed, offering opportunities for new planting. The specifications for new planting are the same as Zone 1.

Zone 3

This border has several mature Cherry trees which may be reaching the end of their life. Considering the damage to the trees from vehicles parking, and injuries from grass mowing and strimming, make some suggestions for new planting and how the new planting can be protected from mechanical damage

Zone 4

This bank is very steep and has been colonised by an invasive alien – Winter Heliotrope (Petasites pyrenaicus). Make suggestions for an alternative planting treatment.

Zone 5

Includes some mature trees and younger trees planted in a grassed area. The invasive species is also present here.

Zone 6

Consists of a steep bank planted with ground cover (Cotoneaster horizontalis) which has been colonised with volunteer tree (Acer pseudoplatanus) and is heavily infested with grass weeds especially at the base.

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Zone 7

At the back of the building includes a steep bank planted with ground cover (Cotoneaster horizontalis) – sections of this border are very heavily infested with brambles.

Zone 8

This is the area between the main Agriculture building and the Food Science Building. This area consists of a series of constructed raised beds planted with a selection of ornamental species. These beds have large areas where the planting has failed and the presence of desire lines where planting has been trampled planting has failed and the presence of desire lines where planting has been trampled.


Produce a Landscape Management Plan as though you were responding to a tender to compete for this work. Include at least 20 new plants that you have learned during the trimester in the scheme. Make sure you consider the conditions in the planting location when choosing your species.

The Plan needs to incorporate the new and existing planting for each zone and a breakdown of the work effort required to manage the site throughout the year. Your choice of format for the plan is up to you (several examples were presented in the lecture), but the overall plan should not be more than 5 pages (font 11, double spaced)

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