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BFA535: Write a report providing a critique of an organization showing the organization’s response to contemporary global growth challenges, and outlining the current state: Contemporary growth challenges for business Report

University Solent University (SU)
Subject BFA535: Contemporary growth challenges for business

Assessment Task

Write a report providing a critique of an organization (growing or mature) presenting 5 out of a choice of 10 themes, showing the organization’s response to contemporary global growth challenges, and outlining the current state (what they do now) of the business and proposing the future state (and what they should do) using the 5 themes used in the presentation focusing on the financial and environmental stainability (we need to focus mostly on these 2) of the business.

Your report will conclude with specific recommendations as to how you can improve the organization and ensure its sustainability (financially and environmentally) in the medium to long term.

For context: You will apply your learning in this module covering a range of contemporary issues across varied contexts such as advanced and developing economies, growing and mature, and profit and not-for-profit organizations. You will choose a mature or growing organization and critically assess the challenges that your research indicates are faced by your chosen organization as they pass through the various growth stages (including various crises of leadership, autonomy, control, and bureaucracy) and how skillful management of these development points can substantially reduce failure rates.

Your report will critically assess the organization’s current state (choosing 5 out of 10 dimensions), and using sustainable business models and good practice, offer insights and 3 clear goals and interventions for your chosen business to secure its viability and financial and environmental sustainability in the medium and long term.

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