Barknots department store in Dublin is a long-established institution with a wide range of products on sale and about 150 staff in total: Human Resource Assignment, TCD, Ireland
University | Trinity College Dublin (TCD) |
Subject | Human Resource |
Barknots department store in Dublin is a long-established institution with a wide range of products on sale and about 150 staff in total. Bruce Barknot has just taken over the reins as CEO.
The store held out against concession units until recently. However with the hit of the covid pandemic and increased competition the store’s senior management team has had to rethink their strategy in order to secure the store’s future.
Now the store plans to clear most of the ground floor space and devote it entirely to major cosmetic brands. Also, a number of mid to high-end brands have indicated they would be very interested in having a sales area in such a prime location in Dublin. Some core areas will be kept as Barknots is famous for its furniture and home accessories.
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