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B9DA103: Select Open Data Source(s); Apply the CRISP-DM Methodology to Analyze the Data: Data Mining Assignment, DBS

University Dublin Business School (DBS)
Subject B9DA103: Data Mining

Assessment Task

Working in groups of two-three students:- Select open data source(s); Determine what questions are to be answered; Apply the CRISP-DM methodology to analyze the data.

INFORMS CAP Certified Analytics Professional competencies Business Problem Framing

(Ability to understand a business problem and determine whether the problem is suitable for an analytics solution)

Objective 1: For the open data source selected, define the problem to be addressed

Objective 2: Identify the stakeholders

Objective 3: Determine whether the problem is suitable for an analytics solution

Objective 4: Refine the statement of the problem with any constraints

Objective 5: Define an initial set of business benefits

Analytics Problem Framing

(Ability to reformulate a business problem into an analytics problem with a potential analytics solution)

Objective 1: Reformulate problem statement as an analytics problem

Objective 2: Develop ABT attributes and outputs

Objective 3: State the set of assumptions related to the problem

Objective 4: Define the key metrics of success

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(Ability to work effectively with data to help identify quality issues and identify potential relationships that will lead to refinement of the business and analytics problem)

Objective 1: Identify data needs and sources

Objective 2: Acquire data

Objective 3: Explore data visually

Objective 4: Harmonize, rescale and clean data

Objective 5: Document and report findings (e.g. quality report, data insights)

Objective 6: Refine the business and analytics problem statements

Methodology (Approach) Selection

(Ability to identify and select potential approaches/methods/algorithms for solving the business problem)

Objective 1: Identify potential problem-solving approaches (methods)

Objective 2: Select software tools

Objective 3: Test approaches (methods)

Objective 4: Select approaches (methods)

Model Building

(Ability to identify and build effective model structures to help solve the business problem)

Objective 1: Identify model structures

Objective 2: Run and evaluate the models

Objective 3: Calibrate models and data

Objective 4: Document and communicate findings (incl. assumptions, limitations, constraints)


(Ability to deploy the selected model to help solve the business problem)

Objective 1: Perform business validation of the model

Objective 2: Produce the report with findings and recommendations for deployment

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