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B6AF112 Economic Analysis of Two Economies Over 5-10 Years, Assignment 1

University Dublin Business School (DBS)
Subject B6AF112 Economic Perspectives

Assignment Task

You are asked to choose two economies and compare their economic environment over 5 – 10 years. You can select any two countries regardless of their location, geopolitical or macroeconomic environment. Part of your task is to select economies that offer an insightful comparison over an appropriate period of time. You are required to present your report in a professional manner, including a conclusion section.

Using facts and figures from reputable sources, collect, analyze, and comment on the following (briefly introduce each indicator) over your chosen period of time:

  • Size
  • Living standards
  • Balance of payments
  • Inflation
  • Unemployment
  • Any two indicators of government finances (e.g., government debt or government balance)

Discuss how each indicator’s position (healthy, unhealthy, OECD average) might influence the macroeconomic environment of your chosen countries.

Suggested Sources of Data include: OECD, IMF, World Bank, National statistics offices etc.

Marking Scheme

100 marks for your treatment of questions posed above. You are required to present your essay in a professional manner.


  • Depth and breadth of research
  • Quality of discussion
  • Fitness of final report – layout, structure


Guiding Principles for Assessment of Group Work and Individual Contribution

  • As a general rule, the same grade will apply to all group members. Exceptions will arise where the group advises suboptimal effort by any member, and where a group member performs particularly strongly.
  • Where group members contribute actively and to the best of their ability to the production of the group report, they may expect equal grades.
  • Where anyone is shown to have been a “passenger” in a group, there will be a significant penalty. In an extreme case, where one member has contributed little or nothing, their grade will be close to zero.
  • It is up to the group to deal with the “passenger” issue should it arise – it is not acceptable to attempt to “delegate it upwards” to the lecturer.
  • Should a student, for whatever reason, be unable to make a full contribution to the work of the group, they should inform the lecturer or the college immediately [this may involve recourse to the PMC process – Personal Mitigating Circumstances – dbs.ie/registrarsoffice].


  • The report itself in a Word or PDF document via Moodle.
  • The report should be 2,000 – 2,500 words, excluding references and Appendix (see information on Appendix below).
  • Word count should be clearly stated on the cover page, as well as student name and student number.
  • You are required to use Harvard referencing style. Library link: https://libguides.dbs.ie/referencing
  • You can use any resources from your course material or articles and websites to answer the questions above, for example: central banks, European Central Bank, departments of finance, central statistics office, World Bank, OECD, etc.

Using GenAI in Your Assignment

  • You are permitted (not required) to use GenAI in your assignment, if you choose.

However, human evaluation is required. Full Gen-AI output is not permitted.

  • This means that you are required to critically engage with GenAI-generated content and evaluate any output.
  • Remember to review any material generated – accuracy is not guaranteed.
  • If you choose to use GenAI, you must provide brief commentary on AI-generated content in an Appendix (not included in word count). This is intended to inform the final reader on the extent of your review of output and generally usefulness of GenAI in your experience.
  • You may include a copy of prompts and outputs generated in the Appendix and a brief note of your overall experience with GenAI (this is not part of your final word count).
  • Name the GenAI tool used and reference the GenAI tool where you’ve used it throughout your assignment.
  • Further guidance is available here: https://students.dbs.ie/quality-assurance/genai

General Requirements for Students

  1. All assignments must be submitted no later than the stated deadline (date and time).
  2. Assignments submitted after the latest deadline specified (including any approved extension deadline) are considered late and penalised according to the Quality Assurance Handbook (QAH) Part B Section as follows:
    • A penalty of 2 marks will be applied per day or part thereof (including weekends and public holidays) for an ongoing failure to submit beyond the submission deadline.
    • An examiner has the right to refuse to mark the assignment if the submission instructions have not been observed.
    • Where a late assessment is submitted within 14 days of the deadline, and is of a passing standard, the late penalty is capped (such that the minimum grade that can be awarded is 40% for the late submission).
    • Where a late assessment is submitted more than 14 days after the deadline, it will receive 0%. The lecturer may, at their discretion, review the submission for feedback.
    • Where the assessment is undertaken in a group, the piece of work should be submitted in its complete entirety, and any penalty for late submission incurred applies to all group members.
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  3. Extensions to assignment submission deadlines will not be granted, other than in exceptional circumstances. To apply for an extension, please go to https://students.dbs.ie/dashboard/SCCM and open a ticket.
  4. All relevant provisions of the Assessment Regulations must be complied with (see QAH B.5).
    • Students are required to refer to the assessment regulations in their Programme Handbook and on the Student Website.
    • Dublin Business School penalises students who engage in academic impropriety (i.e. plagiarism, collusion and/or copying, ghost writing/essay mills, improper use of Generative Artificial Intelligence software).
      • Refer to the College’s Generative AI Guidelines HERE for further information.
    • Guides on referencing are available on the Library website: https://libguides.dbs.ie/referencing
    • Text-matching analysis software is integrated in Moodle to generate a report regarding the degree of text-matching in a submission.
  5. Students are required to retain a copy of each assignment submitted until the issuing of a transcript indicating the mark awarded and the closure of the Appeal period (2 weeks following the release of final results).
    • Results can only be appealed following the release of final results, and the Appeal form must be submitted to the Exams Office within the Appeal period.
    • An appeal must be based on valid grounds (see the Appeals Policy QAH B.3.5), dissatisfaction with a grade is not sufficient grounds for an appeal.
    • Assignments must be appropriately packaged and presented.
    • All assignments should be submitted to your subject/course page on Moodle by the deadline date.
    • Where a submission involves digital media (i.e. formats other than Word, PowerPoint, or PDF), it is the submitting students’ responsibility to ensure the media is appropriately labelled, fully working, and they must retain a copy.
    • Components of an assessment which are not included in the final submission cannot normally be subsequently accepted for grading. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their file is uploaded correctly.
    • Include an electronic cover sheet with the following details to the front of the assignment (see below).
  6. Assignments that breach the word count requirements will be penalised. There is a 10% discretion, either way, applicable in terms of word count.
  7. When you submit your assignment, you will be asked to click on a button which will declare the following:

    By ticking this box, I am confirming that this assignment/exam is all my own work. Any sources used have been referenced. I have read the College rules regarding plagiarism in the QAH Part B Section 3 and understand that penalties will be applied accordingly if work is found not to be my own. All work uploaded is submitted via Ouriginal, whereby a text-matching report will show any similarities with other texts.

Assignment Cover Sheet

Please fill out and insert as the first page of any essay-style Assignment.

Student Name(s) and Number(s) as per student card(s):


Lecturer Name:

Module/Subject Title:

Assignment Title:

No of Words:

By submitting this assignment, I am/we are confirming that:

  • This assignment is all my/our own work;
  • Any sources used have been referenced;
  • I/we have followed the Generative AI instructions/scale set out in the Assignment Brief;
  • I/we have read the College rules regarding academic integrity in the QAH Part B Section 3, and the Generative AI Guidelines, and understand that penalties will be applied accordingly if work is found not to be my/our own.
  • I/we understand that all work uploaded is submitted via Ouriginal, whereby a text-matching report will show any similarities with other texts.

Note: Technical support is available to students between 0830-2000 hrs (Mon-Fri), 0930-1630 (Sat) only. There is no technical support after 2000 hrs. It is your responsibility to ensure that you allow time to troubleshoot any technical difficulties by uploading early on the due date.

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