Assess the role of new technologies in progressing towards greater sustainability using the Solar Energy technology type: Urban Household Sustainability Assignment, OU, Ireland
University | Oxford University (OU) |
Subject | Urban Household Sustainability |
Learning Outcomes:-
- Have gained significant knowledge beyond that included in lectures
- Source relevant scientific literature on an environmental topic
- Discriminate between scientifically credible articles and unsubstantiated online information
- Compile relevant literature and write a critical review of the literature cited
- Summarise key points and issues arising from their reading
- Use and cite literature appropriately in their text
- Compile a full and accurate bibliography
- Be familiar with using Google Scholar and Science Direct
Assess the role of new technologies in progressing towards greater sustainability using the Solar Energy technology type.
Structure your review around themes/points/issues/topics and avoid reviewing information sources separately and one at a time. Where possible, compare and contrast information provided by your sources. Divide your review into sections and sub-sections if needed, numbering each appropriately and with an informative heading.
Follow standard rules in citing sources, always giving enough information for your reader to easily locate the sources. Copy the citation method of any environmental, peer-reviewed journal or follow CiteItRight. Include only peer-reviewed papers, and official research-led and policy documents. Focus on sources dated in the last 5-10yrs.
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