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Applied Project 1 What is your research area. What are you doing and why is it of interest: Business Studies Thesis, ICD, Ireland

University Independent Colleges Dublin (ICD)
Subject Business Studies

MODULE: Applied Project 1

Question 1.

What is your research area? What are you doing and why is it of interest?

This is a short narrative about the area that you wish to focus on and why it is of interest to you

Question 2.

HOW are you going to do it?

How are you going to go about it? What is involved? What type of primary research do you think will best fit your topic? At this point why would you choose Qualitative or  Quantitative research or a mix of both?

Question 3.

WHO are you going to talk to?

Who do you consider to be the sample? What contributions do you believe they will make What is the purpose?

Question 4.

 Explain how you are going to access this sample ?

What is the process you will adopt to ensure that you will get access to the people that you require to answer your question?

Question 5.

WHY are you doing this particular topic. What are the aims? Expected outcomes.

What are the expected outcomes? What is the expected outcome at this stage. This should be as comprehensive as you can make it. It will help you in ascertaining whether you have a valid research question or not.

What are you hoping to , discover, add value to, look at from a different perspective etc

Question 6.

WHAT / STATEthe Research question

(This is Key since everything hinges on this research question. It should want to do something , as in make something better, explain, explore etc. for a reason

Can you define a question Try and spend a bit of time on this. It may change over the course of your project but the overall aims and areas of interest should not change.

Question 7.

Define the Themes, Research objectives and  Sub research questions.

( again this is key to demonstrate that you understand the scope of the report and what can be answered by a combination of primary and secondary research)

Identify the 5 research objectives which you will have answered by the time you complete your project. These are an answer to the 5 sub research questions that you have uncovered as a result of scanning the literature .

State the themes, these are 5 distinct areas of investigation that require a minimum of 5 pieces of distinct literature reviews on the subject ( Note you have more than 5 themes, and that is ok I need at least 5 )

( see definitions on moodle to explain what is the difference between these terms) .

Note the importance here since these 5 distinct areas of investigation will provide the basis of the detailed literature review and also be the starting point for developing the research instrument ( survey or interview schedule) It informs the questions and topic that you will further explore in your primary research.

Question 8.

List 5- 10 sources of Literature.

List 5 – 10 sources of literature just to highlight some main authors. If you have more then fine , it may help me to understand the context and scope of your business project.

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