Advocacy in social care Assignment, TU Dublin, Ireland
Section 1: Overview (30 marks) 500-600 words Provide an overview which details the following:
• Purpose of the seminar
• Presentations / Speakers
• Highlights from the presentations and key take aways e.g.1) Strategies for effective advocacy 2) Current challenges/issues 3) Case studies / success stories 4) Participation and engagement with the group impacted by the issue
Section 2: Advocacy within the Community and Voluntary Sector (30 marks) 500-600 words
With reference to the seminar presentations and relevant literature (presented in this module) discuss the role of the Community and Voluntary Sector in engaging in social justice advocacy.
Section 3: Relevance to Social Care Practice (20 marks) 300-400 words
Section 5. 15 of the CORU Standards of Proficiency for Social Care Workers states that graduates will: ‘Recognise the role of advocacy in promoting the needs and interests of service users, and understand the influence of system-level change to improve outcomes, access to care, and delivery of services, particularly for marginalised groups’ (CORU 2017, p.11) Discuss how this seminar and the content presented in the module has supported you to meet this proficiency.
In your answer reflect on how you can embed social justice advocacy within your professional practice and address inequalities at a systemic level through their involvement in professional networks and alliances. Research and Engagement with Literature (10 marks) Overall structure, presentation, adherence to the assignment brief (10 marks)